Source code for

import warnings
from collections import OrderedDict
from typing import Optional, Tuple, Union

import cftime
import numpy as np
import xarray as xr

from .alignment import return_inits_and_verif_dates
from .checks import DimensionError
from .classes import HindcastEnsemble, PerfectModelEnsemble
from .constants import CLIMPRED_DIMS
from .metrics import ALL_METRICS
from .utils import get_metric_class

    import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
except ImportError:

def plot_relative_entropy(rel_ent, rel_ent_threshold=None, **kwargs):
    Plot relative entropy results.

        rel_ent (xr.Dataset): relative entropy from compute_relative_entropy
        rel_ent_threshold (xr.Dataset): threshold from
        **kwargs: for plt.subplots( **kwargs)

    colors = ["royalblue", "indianred", "goldenrod"]
    _, ax = plt.subplots(ncols=3, **kwargs)

    for i, dim in enumerate(["R", "S", "D"]):
        m = rel_ent[dim].median("init")
        std = rel_ent[dim].std("init")
            label="individual initializations",
        ax[i].plot(rel_ent.lead, m, c=colors[i], label=dim, linewidth=2.5)
            (m - std),
            label=dim + " median +/- std",
            (m + std),
        if rel_ent_threshold is not None:
                label="bootstrapped threshold",
        handles, labels = ax[i].get_legend_handles_labels()
        by_label = OrderedDict(zip(labels, handles))
        ax[i].legend(by_label.values(), by_label.keys(), frameon=False)
    ax[0].set_title("Relative Entropy")
    ax[0].set_ylabel("Relative Entropy [ ]")
    return ax

[docs] def plot_bootstrapped_skill_over_leadyear( bootstrapped: xr.Dataset, ax: Optional["plt.Axes"] = None, color_initialized: str = "indianred", color_uninitialized: str = "steelblue", color_persistence: str = "gray", color_climatology: str = "tan", capsize: Union[int, float] = 4, fontsize: Union[int, float] = 8, figsize: Tuple = (10, 4), fmt: str = "--o", ) -> "plt.Axes": """ Plot Ensemble Prediction skill as in Li et al. 2016 Fig.3a-c. Args: bootstrapped (xr.DataArray or xr.Dataset with one variable): from PredictionEnsembleEnsemble.bootstrap() or HindcastEnsemble.bootstrap() ax ("plt.Axes"): plot on ax. Defaults to None. Returns: ax Reference: * Li, Hongmei, Tatiana Ilyina, Wolfgang A. Müller, and Frank Sienz. “Decadal Predictions of the North Atlantic CO2 Uptake.” Nature Communications 7 (March 30, 2016): 11076. """ if isinstance(bootstrapped, xr.Dataset): var = list(bootstrapped.data_vars) if len(var) > 1: raise ValueError( "Please provide only xr.Dataset with one variable or xr.DataArray." ) # copy attributes to xr.DataArray elif len(var) == 1: var = var[0] attrs = bootstrapped.attrs bootstrapped = bootstrapped[var] bootstrapped.attrs = attrs assert isinstance(bootstrapped, xr.DataArray) reference = list(bootstrapped.drop_sel(skill="initialized").coords["skill"].values) sig = bootstrapped.attrs["confidence_interval_levels"].split("-") sig = int(100 * (float(sig[0]) - float(sig[1]))) pers_sig = sig init_skill = bootstrapped.sel(skill="initialized", results="verify skill") init_ci = bootstrapped.sel( skill="initialized", results=["low_ci", "high_ci"] ).rename({"results": "quantile"}) if pers_sig != sig: raise NotImplementedError("pers_sig != sig not implemented yet.") if ax is None: _, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=figsize) # plot init ax.errorbar( init_skill.lead, init_skill, yerr=[ init_skill - init_ci.isel(quantile=0), init_ci.isel(quantile=1) - init_skill, ], fmt=fmt, capsize=capsize, c=color_initialized, label="initialized", ) # plot references for r in reference: r_skill = bootstrapped.sel(skill=r, results="verify skill") if (r_skill == np.nan).all(): warnings.warn(f"Found only NaNs in {r} verify skill and skipped.") continue p_r_over_init = bootstrapped.sel(skill=r, results="p") r_ci = bootstrapped.sel(skill=r, results=["low_ci", "high_ci"]).rename( {"results": "quantile"} ) c = eval(f"color_{r}") # add p values over all reference skills for t in init_skill.lead.values: ax.text( r_skill.lead.sel(lead=t), r_ci.isel(quantile=0).sel(lead=t).values, "%.2f" % float(p_r_over_init.sel(lead=t).values), horizontalalignment="center", verticalalignment="bottom", fontsize=fontsize, color=c, ) yerr = [ r_skill - r_ci.isel(quantile=0), r_ci.isel(quantile=1) - r_skill, ] x = r_skill.lead ax.errorbar( x, r_skill, yerr=yerr, fmt=fmt, capsize=capsize, c=c, label=r, ) ax.xaxis.set_ticks(bootstrapped.lead.values) ax.legend(frameon=False, title=f"skill with {sig}% confidence interval:") ax.set_xlabel(f"Lead time [{bootstrapped.lead.attrs['units']}]") ax.set_ylabel(get_metric_class(bootstrapped.attrs["metric"], ALL_METRICS).long_name) return ax
def _check_only_climpred_dims(pe): """Warns if dimensions other than `CLIMPRED_DIMS` are in `PredictionEnsemble`.""" additional_dims = set(pe.get_initialized().dims) - set(CLIMPRED_DIMS) if len(additional_dims) != 0: raise DimensionError( f"{type(pe.__name__)}.plot() does not allow dimensions other " f"than {CLIMPRED_DIMS}, found {additional_dims}. " f"Please use .mean({additional_dims}) " f"or .isel() before plot." )
[docs] def plot_lead_timeseries_hindcast( he: HindcastEnsemble, variable: Optional[str] = None, ax: Optional["plt.Axes"] = None, show_members: bool = False, cmap: Optional[str] = "viridis", x: str = "time", ) -> "plt.Axes": """Plot datasets from HindcastEnsemble. Args: he (HindcastEnsemble): HindcastEnsemble. variable (str or None): `variable` to plot. Defaults to the first in data_vars. ax (plt.axes): Axis to use in plotting. By default, creates a new axis. show_members (bool): whether to display all members individually. Defaults to False. cmap (str): Name of matplotlib-recognized colorbar. Defaults to 'viridis'. Returns: ax: plt.axes """ if x == "time": x = "valid_time" _check_only_climpred_dims(he) if variable is None: variable = list(he.get_initialized().data_vars)[0] hind = he.get_initialized()[variable] hist = he.get_uninitialized() if isinstance(hist, xr.Dataset): hist = hist[variable] obs = he.get_observations() if isinstance(obs, xr.Dataset): obs = obs[variable] _cmap = plt.get_cmap(cmap, hind.lead.size) if ax is None: _, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(10, 4)) if isinstance(hist, xr.DataArray) and x == "valid_time": if "member" in hist.dims and not show_members: hist = hist.mean("member") member_alpha = 1.0 lw = 2 else: member_alpha = 0.4 lw = 1 hist.plot( ax=ax, lw=lw, hue="member", color="gray", alpha=member_alpha, label="uninitialized", zorder=hind.lead.size + 1, ) for i, lead in enumerate(hind.lead.values): h = hind.sel(lead=lead) if not show_members and "member" in h.dims: h = h.mean("member") lead_alpha = 1.0 else: lead_alpha = 0.5 h.plot( ax=ax, x=x, hue="member", color=_cmap(i), label=f"initialized: lead={lead} {hind.lead.attrs['units'][:-1]}", alpha=lead_alpha, zorder=hind.lead.size - i, ) if isinstance(obs, xr.DataArray) and x == "valid_time": obs.plot( ax=ax, x="time", color="k", lw=3, ls="-", label="observations", zorder=hind.lead.size + 2, ) # show only one item per label in legend handles, labels = ax.get_legend_handles_labels() by_label = OrderedDict(zip(labels, handles)) ax.legend( by_label.values(), by_label.keys(), loc="center left", bbox_to_anchor=(1, 0.5) ) ax.set_title("") ax.set_xlabel(he.coords[x].attrs["long_name"]) return ax
[docs] def plot_ensemble_perfect_model( pm: PerfectModelEnsemble, variable: Optional[str] = None, ax: Optional["plt.Axes"] = None, show_members: bool = False, cmap: Optional[str] = "tab10", x: str = "time", ) -> "plt.Axes": """Plot datasets from PerfectModelEnsemble. Args: pm (PerfectModelEnsemble): PerfectModelEnsemble. variable (str or None): `variable` to plot. Defaults to the first in data_vars. ax (plt.axes): Axis to use in plotting. By default, creates a new axis. show_members (bool): whether to display all members individually. Defaults to False. cmap (str): Name of matplotlib-recognized colorbar. Defaults to 'tab10'. Returns: ax: plt.axes """ x = "valid_time" _check_only_climpred_dims(pm) if variable is None: variable = list(pm.get_initialized().data_vars)[0] initialized = pm.get_initialized()[variable] uninitialized = pm.get_uninitialized() if isinstance(uninitialized, xr.Dataset): uninitialized = uninitialized[variable] uninitialized_present = True else: uninitialized_present = False control = pm.get_control() if isinstance(control, xr.Dataset): control = control[variable] control_color = "gray" if ax is None: _, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(10, 4)) _cmap = plt.get_cmap(cmap, initialized.init.size) for ii, i in enumerate(initialized.init.values): dsi = initialized.sel(init=i) if uninitialized_present: dsu = uninitialized.sel(init=i) if not show_members: dsi = dsi.mean("member") if uninitialized_present: dsu = dsu.mean("member") member_alpha = 1.0 lw = 2 labelstr = "ensemble mean" else: member_alpha = 0.5 lw = 1 labelstr = "members" # plot ensemble mean, first white then color to highlight ensemble mean if uninitialized_present: dsu.mean("member").plot( ax=ax, x=x, color="white", lw=3, zorder=8, alpha=0.6 ) dsu.mean("member").plot( ax=ax, x=x, color=control_color, lw=2, zorder=9, alpha=0.6 ) # plot ensemble mean, first white then color to highlight ensemble mean dsi.mean("member").plot(ax=ax, x=x, color="white", lw=3, zorder=10) dsi.mean("member").plot(ax=ax, x=x, color=_cmap(ii), lw=2, zorder=11) dsi.plot( ax=ax, x=x, hue="member", color=_cmap(ii), alpha=member_alpha, lw=lw, label=labelstr, ) if uninitialized_present: dsu.plot( ax=ax, x=x, hue="member", color=control_color, alpha=member_alpha / 2, lw=lw, label="uninitialized " + labelstr, ) if isinstance(control, xr.DataArray): control.plot(ax=ax, color=control_color, label="control") # show only one item per label in legend handles, labels = ax.get_legend_handles_labels() by_label = OrderedDict(zip(labels, handles)) ax.legend(by_label.values(), by_label.keys()) ax.set_title(" ") ax.set_xlabel(pm.coords[x].attrs["long_name"]) return ax
def _verif_dates_xr(hindcast, alignment, reference, date2num_units): """Create ``valid_time`` ``xr.DataArray`` with dims lead and init in units passed to cftime.date2num.""" inits, verif_dates = return_inits_and_verif_dates( hindcast.get_initialized().rename({"init": "time"}), hindcast.get_observations(), alignment, reference=reference, hist=( hindcast.get_uninitialized() if isinstance(hindcast.get_uninitialized(), xr.Dataset) else None ), ) verif_dates_xr = xr.concat( [ xr.DataArray( cftime.date2num(verif_dates[k], date2num_units), dims="init", coords={"init": v.rename({"time": "init"}).to_index()}, name="valid_time", attrs=dict(units=date2num_units), ) for k, v in inits.items() ], dim="lead", ).assign_coords(lead=hindcast.get_initialized().lead) return verif_dates_xr