Source code for climpred.smoothing

"""Spatial/temporal smoothing implemented in PredictionEnsemble.smooth()."""

from typing import Dict, Optional

import numpy as np
import xarray as xr

    import xesmf as xe
except ImportError:
    xe = None

[docs]def spatial_smoothing_xesmf( ds: xr.Dataset, d_lon_lat_kws: Dict[str, float] = {"lon": 5, "lat": 5}, method: str = "bilinear", periodic: bool = False, filename: Optional[str] = None, reuse_weights: bool = False, tsmooth_kws: Optional[Dict[str, int]] = None, how: Optional[str] = None, ) -> xr.Dataset: """Quick regridding function. Adapted from # noqa: E501 Args: ds: Contain input and output grid coordinates. Look for coordinates ``lon``, ``lat``, and optionally ``lon_b``, ``lat_b`` for conservative method. Also any coordinate which is C/F compliant, .i.e. standard_name in ["longitude", "latitude"] is allowed. Shape can be 1D (Nlon,) and (Nlat,) for rectilinear grids, or 2D (Ny, Nx) for general curvilinear grids. Shape of bounds should be (N+1,) or (Ny+1, Nx+1). d_lon_lat_kws: Longitude/Latitude step size (grid resolution); if not provided, lon will equal 5 and lat will equal lon method: Regridding method. Options are: - "bilinear" - "conservative", **requires grid corner information** - "patch" - "nearest_s2d" - "nearest_d2s" periodic: Periodic in longitude? Defaults to ``False``. Only useful for global grids with non-conservative regridding. Will be forced to False for conservative regridding. filename: Name for the weight file. The default naming scheme is "{method}_{Ny_in}x{Nx_in}_{Ny_out}x{Nx_out}.nc" e.g. "" reuse_weights: Whether to read existing weight file to save computing time. Defaults to ``False``. tsmooth_kws: leads nowhere but consistent with ``temporal_smoothing``. how: leads nowhere but consistent with ``temporal_smoothing``. Returns: regridded """ if xe is None: raise ImportError( "xesmf is not installed; see " "" ) def _regrid_it(da, d_lon, d_lat, **kwargs): """Global 2D rectilinear grid centers and bounds. Args: da (xarray.DataArray): Contain input and output grid coords. Look for variables ``lon``, ``lat``, ``lon_b``, ``lat_b`` for conservative method, and ``TLAT``, ``TLON`` for CESM POP grid Shape can be 1D (Nlon,) and (Nlat,) for rectilinear grids, or 2D (Ny, Nx) for general curvilinear grids. Shape of bounds should be (N+1,) or (Ny+1, Nx+1). d_lon (float): Longitude step size, i.e. grid resolution d_lat (float): Latitude step size, i.e. grid resolution Returns: da : xarray.DataArray with coordinate values """ if "lon" in da.coords: lon = da.lon else: try: lon =["longitude"] except KeyError: raise KeyError( "Could not find `lon` as coordinate or any C/F compliant" "`latitude` coordinate, see " "and" ) if "lat" in da.coords: lat = else: try: lat =["latitude"] except KeyError: raise KeyError( "C/F compliant or `lat` as coordinate, see " "" ) grid_out = xr.Dataset( { "lat": (["lat"], np.arange(lat.min(), lat.max() + d_lat, d_lat)), "lon": (["lon"], np.arange(lon.min(), lon.max() + d_lon, d_lon)), } ) regridder = xe.Regridder(da, grid_out, **kwargs) return regridder(da, keep_attrs=True) # check if lon or/and lat missing if ("lon" in d_lon_lat_kws) and ("lat" in d_lon_lat_kws): pass elif ("lon" not in d_lon_lat_kws) and ("lat" in d_lon_lat_kws): d_lon_lat_kws["lon"] = d_lon_lat_kws["lat"] elif ("lat" not in d_lon_lat_kws) and ("lon" in d_lon_lat_kws): d_lon_lat_kws["lat"] = d_lon_lat_kws["lon"] else: raise ValueError("please provide either `lon` or/and `lat` in d_lon_lat_kws.") kwargs = { "d_lon": d_lon_lat_kws["lon"], "d_lat": d_lon_lat_kws["lat"], "method": method, "periodic": periodic, "filename": filename, "reuse_weights": reuse_weights, } ds = _regrid_it(ds, **kwargs) return ds
[docs]def temporal_smoothing( ds: xr.Dataset, tsmooth_kws: Optional[Dict[str, int]] = None, how: str = "mean", d_lon_lat_kws: Optional[Dict[str, float]] = None, ) -> xr.Dataset: """Apply temporal smoothing by creating rolling smooth-timestep means. Args: ds: input to be smoothed. tsmooth_kws: length of smoothing of timesteps. Defaults to ``{"time": 4}`` (see :cite:t:`Goddard2013`). how: aggregation type for smoothing. Allowed: ``["mean", "sum"]``. Default: ``"mean"``. d_lon_lat_kws: leads nowhere but consistent with ``spatial_smoothing_xesmf``. Returns: input with ``smooth`` timesteps less and labeling ``"1-(smooth-1)", "...", ...`` . References: :cite:t:`Goddard2013` """ # unpack dict if not isinstance(tsmooth_kws, dict): raise ValueError( "Please provide `tsmooth_kws` as dict, found ", type(tsmooth_kws) ) if not ("time" in tsmooth_kws or "lead" in tsmooth_kws): raise ValueError( '`tsmooth_kws` doesnt contain a `time` dimension \ (either "lead" or "time").', tsmooth_kws, ) smooth = list(tsmooth_kws.values())[0] if smooth == 1: return ds dim = list(tsmooth_kws.keys())[0] # fix to smooth either lead or time depending time_dims = ["time", "lead"] if dim not in ds.dims: time_dims.remove(dim) dim = time_dims[0] tsmooth_kws = {dim: smooth} # aggreate based on how ds_smoothed = getattr(ds.rolling(tsmooth_kws, center=False), how)() # remove first all-nans ds_smoothed = ds_smoothed.isel({dim: slice(smooth - 1, None)}) ds_smoothed[dim] = ds.isel({dim: slice(None, -smooth + 1)})[dim] return ds_smoothed
def _reset_temporal_axis( ds_smoothed: xr.Dataset, tsmooth_kws: Dict[str, int], dim: str = "lead", set_lead_center: bool = True, ) -> xr.Dataset: """Reduce and reset temporal axis. See temporal_smoothing. Should be used after calculation of skill to maintain readable labels for skill computation. Args: ds_smoothed: Smoothed dataset. tsmooth_kws: Keywords smoothing is performed over. dim: Dimension smoothing is performed over. Defaults to ``"lead"``. set_center: Whether to set new coord `{dim}_center`. Defaults to ``True``. Returns Smoothed Dataset with updated labels for smoothed temporal dimension. """ # bugfix: actually tsmooth_kws should only dict if tsmooth_kws is None or callable(tsmooth_kws): return ds_smoothed if not ("time" in tsmooth_kws.keys() or "lead" in tsmooth_kws.keys()): raise ValueError("tsmooth_kws does not contain a time dimension.", tsmooth_kws) for c in ["time", "lead"]: if c in tsmooth_kws.keys(): smooth = tsmooth_kws[c] ds_smoothed[dim] = [f"{t}-{t + smooth - 1}" for t in ds_smoothed[dim].values] if set_lead_center: _set_center_coord(ds_smoothed, dim) return ds_smoothed def _set_center_coord(ds: xr.Dataset, dim: str = "lead") -> xr.Dataset: """Set lead_center as a new coordinate.""" new_dim = [] old_dim = ds[dim].values for i in old_dim: new_dim.append(eval(i.replace("-", "+")) / 2) ds.coords[f"{dim}_center"] = (dim, np.array(new_dim)) return ds def smooth_goddard_2013( ds: xr.Dataset, tsmooth_kws: Dict[str, int] = {"lead": 4}, d_lon_lat_kws: Dict[str, float] = {"lon": 5, "lat": 5}, how: str = "mean", **xesmf_kwargs: str, ) -> xr.Dataset: """Wrap to smooth as suggested by :cite:t:`Goddard2013`. - 4-year composites - 5x5 degree regridding Args: ds: input to be smoothed. tsmooth_kws: length of smoothing of timesteps (applies to ``lead`` in forecast and ``time`` in verification data). Default: ``{"time": 4}`` (see :cite:t:`Goddard2013`). d_lon_lat_kws: target grid for regridding. Default: ``{"lon":5 , "lat": 5}``. how: aggregation type for smoothing. Allowed: ``["mean", "sum"]``. Default: ``"mean"``. **xesmf_kwargs: kwargs passed to ``spatial_smoothing_xesmf``. Returns: input with ``smooth`` timesteps less and labeling "1-(smooth-1)", "..." . References: :cite:t:`Goddard2013` """ # first temporal smoothing ds_smoothed = temporal_smoothing(ds, tsmooth_kws=tsmooth_kws) ds_smoothed_regridded = spatial_smoothing_xesmf( ds_smoothed, d_lon_lat_kws=d_lon_lat_kws, **xesmf_kwargs # type: ignore ) return ds_smoothed_regridded