Source code for climpred.classes

"""Main module instantiating ``PerfectModelEnsemble`` and ``HindcastEnsemble."""

import logging
import warnings
from copy import deepcopy
from typing import (

import cf_xarray  # noqa
import numpy as np
import xarray as xr
from xarray.core.coordinates import DatasetCoordinates
from xarray.core.dataset import DataVariables
from xarray.core.formatting_html import dataset_repr
from xarray.core.options import OPTIONS as XR_OPTIONS
from xarray.core.utils import Frozen

from .alignment import return_inits_and_verif_dates
from .bias_removal import bias_correction, gaussian_bias_removal, xclim_sdba
from .bootstrap import (
from .checks import (
from .comparisons import Comparison
from .constants import (
from .exceptions import CoordinateError, DimensionError, KeywordError, VariableError
from .metrics import PEARSON_R_CONTAINING_METRICS, Metric
from .options import OPTIONS, set_options
from .prediction import (
from .reference import (
from .smoothing import (
from .utils import (

metricType = Union[str, Metric]
comparisonType = Union[str, Comparison]
dimType = Optional[Union[str, List[str]]]
alignmentType = str
referenceType = Union[List[str], str]
groupbyType = Optional[Union[str, xr.DataArray]]
metric_kwargsType = Optional[Any]

    import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

    optionalaxisType = Optional[plt.Axes]
    optionalaxisType = Optional[Any]

def _display_metadata(self) -> str:
    Print the contents of the :py:class:`.PredictionEnsemble` as text.

        >>> init = climpred.tutorial.load_dataset("CESM-DP-SST")
        >>> hindcast = climpred.HindcastEnsemble(init)
        >>> print(hindcast)
            SST      (init, lead, member) float64 ...

    SPACE = "    "
    summary = f"<climpred.{type(self).__name__}>\n"

    for k in self._datasets.keys():
        if self._datasets[k]:
            summary += (
                    "Data variables", k.capitalize()
                + "\n"
            summary += f"{k.capitalize()}:\n{SPACE}None\n"
    return summary.strip("\n")

def _display_metadata_html(self):
    """Show contents of :py:class:`.PredictionEnsemble` as html."""
    html_str = f"<h4>climpred.{type(self).__name__}</h4>"
    for k in self._datasets.keys():
        if self._datasets[k]:
            html_str += dataset_repr(self._datasets[k]).replace(
                "xarray.Dataset", k.capitalize()
    return html_str

[docs]class PredictionEnsemble: """ The main object :py:class:`.PredictionEnsemble`. This is the super of both :py:class:`.PerfectModelEnsemble` and :py:class:`.HindcastEnsemble`. This cannot be called directly by a user, but should house functions that both ensemble types can use. Associated :py:class:`xarray.Dataset` are stored in: * ``PredictionEnsemble._datasets["initialized"]`` * ``PredictionEnsemble._datasets["uninitialized"]`` * ``PredictionEnsemble._datasets["control"]`` in :py:class:`.PerfectModelEnsemble` * ``PredictionEnsemble._datasets[observations"]`` in :py:class:`.HindcastEnsemble` """
[docs] def __init__(self, initialized: Union[xr.DataArray, xr.Dataset]): """Create a :py:class:`.PredictionEnsemble` object.""" if isinstance(initialized, xr.DataArray): # makes applying prediction functions easier, etc. initialized = initialized.to_dataset() assert isinstance( initialized, xr.Dataset ), "PredictionEnsemble.__init__ requires xr.DataArray or xr.Dataset" initialized = rename_to_climpred_dims(initialized) has_dims(initialized, ["init", "lead"], "PredictionEnsemble") # Check that init is int, cftime, or datetime; convert ints or cftime to # datetime. initialized = convert_time_index(initialized, "init", "initialized[init]") # Put this after `convert_time_index` since it assigns 'years' attribute if the # `init` dimension is a `float` or `int`. initialized = convert_Timedelta_to_lead_units(initialized) has_valid_lead_units(initialized) initialized = add_time_from_init_lead(initialized) # add metadata initialized = attach_standard_names(initialized) initialized = attach_long_names(initialized) initialized = verbose=False, override=True, skip="units" ) del initialized.attrs["history"] # better only delete xclim message or not? # Add initialized dictionary and reserve sub-dictionary for an uninitialized # run. self._datasets = {"initialized": initialized, "uninitialized": {}} self.kind = "prediction" self._temporally_smoothed: Optional[Dict[str, int]] = None self._is_annual_lead = None self._warn_if_chunked_along_init_member_time()
def _groupby(self, call: str, groupby: Union[str, xr.DataArray], **kwargs: Any): """Help for verify/bootstrap(groupby="month").""" skill_group, group_label = [], [] groupby_str = f"init.{groupby}" if isinstance(groupby, str) else groupby with set_options(warn_for_failed_PredictionEnsemble_xr_call=False): for group, hind_group in self.get_initialized().init.groupby(groupby_str): skill_group.append( getattr(self.sel(init=hind_group), call)( **kwargs, ) ) group_label.append(group) new_dim_name = groupby if isinstance(groupby, str) else skill_group = xr.concat( skill_group, dim=new_dim_name, **CONCAT_KWARGS ).assign_coords({new_dim_name: group_label}) skill_group[new_dim_name] = skill_group[new_dim_name].assign_attrs( # type: ignore # noqa: E501 { "description": "new dimension showing skill grouped by init.{groupby}" " created by .verify(groupby) or .bootstrap(groupby)" } ) return skill_group @property def coords(self) -> DatasetCoordinates: """Return coordinates of :py:class:`.PredictionEnsemble`. Dictionary of :py:class:`xarray.DataArray` objects corresponding to coordinate variables available in all PredictionEnsemble._datasets. See also: :py:meth:`~xarray.Dataset.coords` """ pe_coords = self.get_initialized().coords.to_dataset() for ds in self._datasets.values(): if isinstance(ds, xr.Dataset): pe_coords.update(ds.coords.to_dataset()) return pe_coords.coords @property def nbytes(self) -> int: """Bytes sizes of all PredictionEnsemble._datasets. See also: :py:meth:`~xarray.Dataset.nbytes` """ return sum( [ sum(v.nbytes for v in ds.variables.values()) for ds in self._datasets.values() if isinstance(ds, xr.Dataset) ] ) @property def sizes(self) -> Mapping[Hashable, int]: """ Return sizes of :py:class:`.PredictionEnsemble`. Mapping from dimension names to lengths for all PredictionEnsemble._datasets. See also: :py:meth:`~xarray.Dataset.equals` """ pe_dims = dict(self.get_initialized().dims) for ds in self._datasets.values(): if isinstance(ds, xr.Dataset): pe_dims.update(dict(ds.dims)) return pe_dims @property def dims(self) -> Mapping[Hashable, int]: """ Return dimension of :py:class:`.PredictionEnsemble`. Mapping from dimension names to lengths all PredictionEnsemble._datasets. See also: :py:meth:`~xarray.Dataset.dims` """ return Frozen(self.sizes) @property def chunks(self) -> Mapping[Hashable, Tuple[int, ...]]: """ Return chunks of :py:class:`.PredictionEnsemble`. Mapping from chunks all PredictionEnsemble._datasets. See also: :py:meth:`~xarray.Dataset.chunks` """ pe_chunks = dict(self.get_initialized().chunks) for ds in self._datasets.values(): if isinstance(ds, xr.Dataset): for d in ds.chunks: if d not in pe_chunks: pe_chunks.update({d: ds.chunks[d]}) return Frozen(pe_chunks) @property def chunksizes(self) -> Mapping[Hashable, Tuple[int, ...]]: """Return chunksizes of :py:class:`.PredictionEnsemble`. Mapping from dimension names to block lengths for this dataset's data, or None if the underlying data is not a dask array. Cannot be modified directly, but can be modified by calling ``.chunk()``. Same as :py:meth:`~xarray.Dataset.chunks`. See also: :py:meth:`~xarray.Dataset.chunksizes` """ return self.chunks @property def data_vars(self) -> DataVariables: """ Return data variables of :py:class:`.PredictionEnsemble`. Dictionary of DataArray objects corresponding to data variables available in all PredictionEnsemble._datasets. See also: :py:meth:`~xarray.Dataset.data_vars` """ varset = set(self.get_initialized().data_vars) for ds in self._datasets.values(): if isinstance(ds, xr.Dataset): # take union varset = varset & set(ds.data_vars) varlist = list(varset) return self.get_initialized()[varlist].data_vars def _repr_html_(self): """Return for :py:class:`.PredictionEnsemble` in html.""" from html import escape if XR_OPTIONS["display_style"] == "text": return f"<pre>{escape(repr(self))}</pre>" return _display_metadata_html(self) def __repr__(self) -> str: """Return for print(:py:class:`.PredictionEnsemble`).""" return _display_metadata(self)
[docs] def __len__(self) -> int: """Return number of all variables :py:class:`.PredictionEnsemble`.""" return len(self.data_vars)
[docs] def __iter__(self) -> Iterator[Hashable]: """Iterate over underlying :py:class:`xarray.Dataset`.""" return iter(self._datasets.values())
[docs] def __delitem__(self, key: Hashable) -> None: """Remove a variable from :py:class:`.PredictionEnsemble`.""" del self._datasets["initialized"][key] for ds in self._datasets.values(): if isinstance(ds, xr.Dataset): if key in ds.data_vars: del ds[key]
[docs] def __contains__(self, key: Hashable) -> bool: """Check variable in :py:class:`.PredictionEnsemble`. The ``"in"`` operator will return true or false depending on whether ``"key"`` is in any PredictionEnsemble._datasets. """ contained = True for ds in self._datasets.values(): if isinstance(ds, xr.Dataset): if key not in ds.data_vars: contained = False return contained
[docs] def equals(self, other: Union["PredictionEnsemble", Any]) -> bool: """Check if :py:class:`.PredictionEnsemble` is equal to other. Two :py:class:`.PredictionEnsemble` are equal if they have matching variables and coordinates, all of which are equal. ``PredictionEnsembles`` can still be equal (like pandas objects) if they have NaN values in the same locations. This method is necessary because `v1 == v2` for ``PredictionEnsembles`` does element-wise comparisons (like numpy.ndarrays). See also: :py:meth:`~xarray.Dataset.equals` """ if not isinstance(other, PredictionEnsemble): return False if other.kind != self.kind: return False equal = True try: for ds_name in self._datasets.keys(): if isinstance(self._datasets[ds_name], xr.Dataset): if not self._datasets[ds_name].equals(other._datasets[ds_name]): equal = False except Exception: return False return equal
[docs] def identical(self, other: Union["PredictionEnsemble", Any]) -> bool: """ Check if :py:class:`.PredictionEnsemble` is identical to other. Like ``equals``, but also checks all dataset attributes and the attributes on all variables and coordinates. See also: :py:meth:`~xarray.Dataset.identical` """ if not isinstance(other, PredictionEnsemble): return False if other.kind != self.kind: return False id = True try: for ds_name in self._datasets.keys(): if not self._datasets[ds_name].identical(other._datasets[ds_name]): id = False except Exception: return False return id
[docs] def plot( self, variable: Optional[str] = None, ax: optionalaxisType = None, show_members: bool = False, cmap: Optional[str] = None, x: str = "time", ) -> "plt.Axes": """Plot datasets from :py:class:`.PredictionEnsemble`. Wraps :py:func:`` or :py:func:``. Args: variable: `variable` to show. Defaults to first in data_vars. ax: Axis to use in plotting. By default, creates a new axis. show_members: whether to display all members individually. Defaults to False. cmap: Name of matplotlib-recognized colorbar. Defaults to ``viridis`` for :py:class:`.HindcastEnsemble` and ``tab10`` for :py:class:`.PerfectModelEnsemble`. x: Name of x-axis. Use ``time`` to show observations and hindcasts in real time. Use ``init`` to see hindcasts as initializations. For ``x=init`` only initialized is shown and only works for :py:class:`.HindcastEnsemble`. .. note:: Alternatively inspect initialized datasets by ``PredictionEnsemble.get_initialized()[v].plot.line(x=time)`` to see ``validtime`` on x-axis or ``PredictionEnsemble.get_initialized()[v].plot.line(x=init)`` to see ``init`` on x-axis. Returns: ax: plt.axes """ from .graphics import plot_ensemble_perfect_model, plot_lead_timeseries_hindcast if x == "time": x = "valid_time" assert x in ["valid_time", "init"] if isinstance(self, HindcastEnsemble): if cmap is None: cmap = "viridis" return plot_lead_timeseries_hindcast( self, variable=variable, ax=ax, show_members=show_members, cmap=cmap, x=x, ) elif isinstance(self, PerfectModelEnsemble): if cmap is None: cmap = "tab10" return plot_ensemble_perfect_model( self, variable=variable, ax=ax, show_members=show_members, cmap=cmap )
mathType = Union[int, float, np.ndarray, xr.DataArray, xr.Dataset] def _math( self, other: mathType, operator: str, ): """Help function for __add__, __sub__, __mul__, __truediv__. Allows math operations with type: - int - float - np.ndarray - xr.DataArray without new dimensions - xr.Dataset without new dimensions or variables """ assert isinstance(operator, str) def add(a, b): return a + b def sub(a, b): return a - b def mul(a, b): return a * b def div(a, b): return a / b ALLOWED_TYPES_FOR_MATH_OPERATORS = [ int, float, np.ndarray, xr.DataArray, xr.Dataset, type(self), ] OPERATOR_STR = { "add": "+", "sub": "-", "mul": "*", "div": "/", } error_str = f"Cannot use {type(self)} {OPERATOR_STR[operator]} {type(other)}" # catch undefined types for other if not isinstance(other, tuple(ALLOWED_TYPES_FOR_MATH_OPERATORS)): raise TypeError( f"{error_str} because type {type(other)} not supported. " f"Please choose from {ALLOWED_TYPES_FOR_MATH_OPERATORS}." ) # catch other dimensions in other if isinstance(other, tuple([xr.Dataset, xr.DataArray])): if not set(other.dims).issubset(self._datasets["initialized"].dims): # type: ignore # noqa: E501 raise DimensionError(f"{error_str} containing new dimensions.") # catch xr.Dataset with different data_vars if isinstance(other, xr.Dataset): if list(other.data_vars) != list(self._datasets["initialized"].data_vars): raise VariableError( f"{error_str} with new `data_vars`. Please use {type(self)} " f"{operator} {type(other)} only with same `data_vars`. Found " f"initialized.data_vars = " f' {list(self._datasets["initialized"].data_vars)} vs. ' f"other.data_vars = {list(other.data_vars)}." ) _operator = eval(operator) if isinstance(other, PredictionEnsemble): # Create temporary copy to modify to avoid inplace operation. datasets = self._datasets.copy() for dataset in datasets: # Some pre-allocated entries might be empty, such as 'uninitialized' if isinstance(other._datasets[dataset], xr.Dataset) and isinstance( self._datasets[dataset], xr.Dataset ): datasets[dataset] = _operator( datasets[dataset], other._datasets[dataset] ) return self._construct_direct(datasets, kind=self.kind) else: return self._apply_func(_operator, other)
[docs] def __add__(self, other: mathType) -> "PredictionEnsemble": """Add.""" return self._math(other, operator="add")
[docs] def __sub__(self, other: mathType) -> "PredictionEnsemble": """Sub.""" return self._math(other, operator="sub")
[docs] def __mul__(self, other: mathType) -> "PredictionEnsemble": """Mul.""" return self._math(other, operator="mul")
[docs] def __truediv__(self, other: mathType) -> "PredictionEnsemble": """Div.""" return self._math(other, operator="div")
[docs] def __getitem__(self, varlist: Union[str, List[str]]) -> "PredictionEnsemble": """Allow subsetting variable(s) from Allow subsetting variable(s) from :py:class:`.PredictionEnsemble` as from :py:class:`xarray.Dataset`. Args: varlist: list of names or name of data variable(s) to subselect """ if isinstance(varlist, str): varlist = [varlist] if not isinstance(varlist, list): raise ValueError( "Please subset PredictionEnsemble as you would subset an xr.Dataset " "with a list or single string of variable name(s), found " f"{type(varlist)}." ) def sel_vars(ds, varlist): return ds[varlist] return self._apply_func(sel_vars, varlist)
[docs] def __getattr__(self, name): # -> Callable[[VarArg(Any), KwArg(Any)], Any] """Allow for ``xarray`` methods to be applied to our prediction objects. Args: * name: str of xarray function, e.g., ``.isel()`` or ``.sum()``. """ if name in [ "_ipython_canary_method_should_not_exist_", "_ipython_display_", "_repr_markdown_", "_repr_svg_", "_repr_png_", "_repr_pdf_", "_repr_jpeg_", "_repr_latex_", "_repr_json_", "_repr_mimebundle_", "_repr_javascript_", ]: return None # typing: ignore def wrapper(*args, **kwargs): """Apply arbitrary function to all datasets in ``PerfectModelEnsemble``. Got this from: how-to-call-undefined-methods-sequentially-in-python-class """ def _apply_xr_func(v, name, *args, **kwargs): """Handle exceptions in our dictionary comprehension. In other words, this will skip applying the arbitrary function to a sub-dataset if a ValueError is thrown. This specifically targets cases where certain datasets don't have the given dim that's being called. E.g., ``.isel(lead=0)`` should only be applied to the initialized dataset. References: * how-to-handle-exceptions-in-a-list-comprehensions """ try: return getattr(v, name)(*args, **kwargs) # ValueError : Cases such as .sum(dim='time'). This doesn't apply # it to the given dataset if the dimension doesn't exist. # KeyError : Cases where a function calls the index of a Dataset. Such # as ds[dim] and the dim doesn't exist as a key. # DimensionError: This accounts for our custom error when applying # some stats functions. except (ValueError, KeyError, DimensionError) as e: if args == tuple(): func_name = False else: if callable(args[0]): func_name = args[0].__name__ else: # for xarray calls like pe.mean() func_name = False dim = kwargs.get("dim", False) error_type = type(e).__name__ if func_name: if len(args) > 1: msg = f"{func_name}({args[1:]}, {kwargs}) failed\n{error_type}: {e}" # noqa: E501 else: msg = f"{func_name}({kwargs}) failed\n{error_type}: {e}" else: msg = f"xr.{name}({args}, {kwargs}) failed\n{error_type}: {e}" if set(["lead", "init"]).issubset(set(v.dims)): # initialized if dim not in v.dims: if OPTIONS["warn_for_failed_PredictionEnsemble_xr_call"]: warnings.warn(f"Error due to initialized: {msg}") elif set(["time"]).issubset( set(v.dims) ): # uninitialized, control, verification if dim not in v.dims: if OPTIONS["warn_for_failed_PredictionEnsemble_xr_call"]: warnings.warn( f"Error due to verification/control/uninitialized: {msg}" # noqa: E501 ) else: if OPTIONS["warn_for_failed_PredictionEnsemble_xr_call"]: warnings.warn(msg) return v return self._apply_func(_apply_xr_func, name, *args, **kwargs) return wrapper
@classmethod def _construct_direct(cls, datasets, kind): """Shortcut around __init__ for internal use to avoid inplace operations. Pulled from xarrray Dataset class. """ obj = object.__new__(cls) obj._datasets = datasets obj.kind = kind obj._warn_if_chunked_along_init_member_time() return obj def _apply_func( self, func: Callable[..., xr.Dataset], *args: Any, **kwargs: Any ) -> "PredictionEnsemble": """Apply a function to all datasets in a ``PerfectModelEnsemble``.""" # Create temporary copy to modify to avoid inplace operation. # isnt that essentially the same as .map(func)? datasets = self._datasets.copy() # More explicit than nested dictionary comprehension. for key, ds in datasets.items(): # If ds is xr.Dataset, apply the function directly to it # else, e.g. for {} ignore if isinstance(ds, xr.Dataset): dim = kwargs.get("dim", "") if "_or_" in dim: dims = dim.split("_or_") if set(dims).issubset(ds.dims): raise ValueError( f"{dims} cannot be both in {key} dataset, found {ds.dims}" ) kwargs_dim0 = kwargs.copy() kwargs_dim0["dim"] = dims[0] kwargs_dim1 = kwargs.copy() kwargs_dim1["dim"] = dims[1] if dims[0] in ds.dims and dims[1] not in ds.dims: datasets.update({key: func(ds, *args, **kwargs_dim0)}) if dims[1] in ds.dims and dims[0] not in ds.dims: datasets.update({key: func(ds, *args, **kwargs_dim1)}) else: datasets.update({key: func(ds, *args, **kwargs)}) # Instantiates new object with the modified datasets. return self._construct_direct(datasets, kind=self.kind) def get_initialized(self) -> xr.Dataset: """Return the :py:class:`xarray.Dataset` for the initialized ensemble.""" return self._datasets["initialized"] def get_uninitialized(self) -> xr.Dataset: """Return the :py:class:`xarray.Dataset` for the uninitialized ensemble.""" return self._datasets["uninitialized"] def smooth( self, smooth_kws: Optional[Union[str, Dict[str, int]]] = None, how: str = "mean", **xesmf_kwargs: str, ): """Smooth in space and/or aggregate in time in ``PredictionEnsemble``. Args: smooth_kws: Dictionary to specify the dims to smooth compatible with :py:func:`~climpred.smoothing.spatial_smoothing_xesmf` or :py:func:`~climpred.smoothing.temporal_smoothing`. Shortcut for :cite:t:`Goddard2013` ``goddard2013``. Defaults to ``None``. how: how to smooth temporally. From Choose from ``["mean", "sum"]``. Defaults to ``"mean"``. **xesmf_kwargs: kwargs passed to :py:func:`~climpred.smoothing.spatial_smoothing_xesmf` Examples: >>> PerfectModelEnsemble.get_initialized().lead.size 20 >>> PerfectModelEnsemble.smooth( ... {"lead": 4}, how="sum" ... ).get_initialized().lead.size 17 >>> HindcastEnsemble_3D.smooth({"lon": 1, "lat": 1}) <climpred.HindcastEnsemble> Initialized: SST (init, lead, lat, lon) float32 -0.3236 -0.3161 -0.3083 ... 0.0 0.0 Uninitialized: None Observations: SST (time, lat, lon) float32 0.002937 0.001561 0.002587 ... 0.0 0.0 0.0 ``smooth`` simultaneously aggregates spatially listening to ``lon`` and ``lat`` and temporally listening to ``lead`` or ``time``. >>> HindcastEnsemble_3D.smooth( ... {"lead": 2, "lat": 5, "lon": 4} ... ).get_initialized().coords Coordinates: * init (init) object 1954-01-01 00:00:00 ... 2017-01-01 00:00:00 * lead (lead) int32 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 * lat (lat) float64 -9.75 -4.75 * lon (lon) float64 250.8 254.8 258.8 262.8 valid_time (lead, init) object 1955-01-01 00:00:00 ... 2026-01-01 00:00:00 >>> HindcastEnsemble_3D.smooth("goddard2013").get_initialized().coords Coordinates: * init (init) object 1954-01-01 00:00:00 ... 2017-01-01 00:00:00 * lead (lead) int32 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 * lat (lat) float64 -9.75 -4.75 * lon (lon) float64 250.8 255.8 260.8 265.8 valid_time (lead, init) object 1955-01-01 00:00:00 ... 2024-01-01 00:00:00 """ if not smooth_kws: return self tsmooth_kws: Optional[Union[str, Dict[str, int]]] = None d_lon_lat_kws: Optional[Union[str, Dict[str, int]]] = None smooth_fct: Callable[..., xr.Dataset] # get proper smoothing function based on smooth args if isinstance(smooth_kws, str): if "goddard" in smooth_kws: if self._is_annual_lead: smooth_fct = smooth_goddard_2013 tsmooth_kws = {"lead": 4} # default d_lon_lat_kws = {"lon": 5, "lat": 5} # default else: raise ValueError( "`goddard2013` smoothing only available for annual leads." ) else: raise ValueError( 'Please provide from list of available smoothings: \ ["goddard2013"]' ) # TODO: actively searches for lot and lat in dims. Maybe this part of the code # could be more robust in how it finds these two spatial dimensions regardless # of name. Optional work in progress comment. elif isinstance(smooth_kws, dict): # goddard when time_dim and lon/lat given if ("lon" in smooth_kws or "lat" in smooth_kws) and ( "lead" in smooth_kws or "time" in smooth_kws ): smooth_fct = smooth_goddard_2013 # separate lon, lat keywords into d_lon_lat_kws d_lon_lat_kws = dict() tsmooth_kws = dict() for c in ["lon", "lat"]: if c in smooth_kws: d_lon_lat_kws[c] = smooth_kws[c] for c in ["lead", "time"]: if c in smooth_kws: tsmooth_kws[c] = smooth_kws[c] # else only one smoothing operation elif "lon" in smooth_kws or "lat" in smooth_kws: smooth_fct = spatial_smoothing_xesmf d_lon_lat_kws = smooth_kws tsmooth_kws = None elif "lead" in smooth_kws or "time" in smooth_kws: smooth_fct = temporal_smoothing d_lon_lat_kws = None tsmooth_kws = smooth_kws else: raise ValueError( 'Please provide kwargs to fulfill functions: \ ["spatial_smoothing_xesmf", "temporal_smoothing"].' ) else: raise ValueError( "Please provide kwargs as dict or str and not", type(smooth_kws) ) self = smooth_fct, tsmooth_kws=tsmooth_kws, d_lon_lat_kws=d_lon_lat_kws, how=how, **xesmf_kwargs, ) if smooth_fct == smooth_goddard_2013 or smooth_fct == temporal_smoothing: self._temporally_smoothed = tsmooth_kws # recalc valid_time del self._datasets["initialized"].coords["valid_time"] self._datasets["initialized"] = add_time_from_init_lead( self._datasets["initialized"] ) return self def remove_seasonality( self, seasonality: Union[None, str] = None ) -> "PredictionEnsemble": """Remove seasonal cycle from :py:class:`.PredictionEnsemble`. Args: seasonality: Seasonality to be removed. Choose from: ``["season", "month", "weekofyear", "dayofyear"]``. Defaults to ``OPTIONS["seasonality"]``. Examples: >>> HindcastEnsemble <climpred.HindcastEnsemble> Initialized: SST (init, lead, member) float64 -0.2392 -0.2203 ... 0.618 0.6136 Uninitialized: SST (time, member) float64 -0.1969 -0.01221 -0.275 ... 0.4179 0.3974 Observations: SST (time) float32 -0.4015 -0.3524 -0.1851 ... 0.2481 0.346 0.4502 >>> # example already effectively without seasonal cycle >>> HindcastEnsemble.remove_seasonality(seasonality="month") <climpred.HindcastEnsemble> Initialized: SST (init, lead, member) float64 -0.2349 -0.216 ... 0.6476 0.6433 Uninitialized: SST (time, member) float64 -0.1789 0.005732 -0.257 ... 0.4359 0.4154 Observations: SST (time) float32 -0.3739 -0.3248 -0.1575 ... 0.2757 0.3736 0.4778 """ def _remove_seasonality(ds, initialized_dim="init", seasonality=None): """Remove the seasonal cycle from the data.""" if ds is {}: return {} if seasonality is None: seasonality = OPTIONS["seasonality"] dim = initialized_dim if initialized_dim in ds.dims else "time" groupby = f"{dim}.{seasonality}" if "member" in ds.dims: clim = ds.mean("member").groupby(groupby).mean() else: clim = ds.groupby(groupby).mean() anom = ds.groupby(groupby) - clim return anom return _remove_seasonality, seasonality=seasonality, ) def _warn_if_chunked_along_init_member_time(self) -> None: """ Warn when ``CLIMPRED_DIMS`` except ``lead`` are wrongly chunked. When more than one chunk to show how to circumvent ``xskillscore`` chunking ``ValueError``. """ suggest_one_chunk = [] for d in self.chunks: if d in ["time", "init", "member"]: if len(self.chunks[d]) > 1: suggest_one_chunk.append(d) if len(suggest_one_chunk) > 0: name = ( str(type(self)) .replace("<class 'climpred.classes.", "") .replace("'>", "") ) # init cannot be dim when time chunked suggest_one_chunk_time_to_init = suggest_one_chunk.copy() if "time" in suggest_one_chunk_time_to_init: suggest_one_chunk_time_to_init.remove("time") suggest_one_chunk_time_to_init.append("init") msg = ( f"{name} is chunked along dimensions {suggest_one_chunk} with more " f"than one chunk. `{name}.chunks={self.chunks}`.\nYou cannot call " f"`{name}.verify` or `{name}.bootstrap` in combination with any of " f" {suggest_one_chunk_time_to_init} passed as `dim`. In order to do " f"so, please rechunk {suggest_one_chunk} with `{name}.chunk(" "{{dim:-1}}).verify(dim=dim).`\nIf you do not want to use dimensions " f" {suggest_one_chunk_time_to_init} in `{name}.verify(dim=dim)`, you " "can disregard this warning." ) # chunk lead:1 in HindcastEnsemble if self.kind == "hindcast": msg += '\nIn `HindcastEnsemble` you may also create one chunk per "\ " lead, as the `climpred` internally loops over lead, e.g. "\ " `.chunk({{"lead": 1}}).verify().`' # chunk auto on non-climpred dims ndims = list(self.sizes) for d in CLIMPRED_DIMS: if d in ndims: ndims.remove(d) if len(ndims) > 0: msg += ( f"\nConsider chunking embarassingly parallel dimensions such as " f"{ndims} automatically, i.e. " f'`{name}.chunk({ndims[0]}="auto").verify(...).' ) warnings.warn(msg) def _bootstrap( self, metric: metricType = None, comparison: comparisonType = None, dim: dimType = None, alignment: alignmentType = None, reference: referenceType = None, groupby: groupbyType = None, iterations: int = None, sig: int = 95, resample_dim: str = None, **metric_kwargs: metric_kwargsType, ) -> xr.Dataset: """PredictionEnsemble.bootstrap() parent method. explain: OPTIONS['bootstrap_resample_skill_func'] See also: * :py:meth:`~climpred.PerfectModelEnsemble.bootstrap` * :py:meth:`~climpred.HindcastEnsemble.bootstrap` """ warn_if_chunking_would_increase_performance( self.get_initialized(), crit_size_in_MB=50 ) _metric, _, _ = _get_metric_comparison_dim( self.get_initialized(), metric, comparison, dim, kind=self.kind ) if iterations is None: raise ValueError("Designate number of bootstrapping `iterations`.") if resample_dim is None: resample_dim = "member" reference = _check_valid_reference(reference) reference = _sanitize_to_list(reference) if reference is None: reference = [] dim = _sanitize_to_list(dim) if dim is None: dim = list(self.get_initialized().isel(lead=0).dims) verify_kwargs = dict( dim=dim, metric=metric, comparison=comparison, reference=reference, **metric_kwargs, ) if groupby is not None: verify_kwargs["groupby"] = groupby if self.kind == "hindcast": verify_kwargs["alignment"] = alignment if "uninitialized" in reference and not self.get_uninitialized(): warnings.warn( "'uninitialized' in `reference` but not `uninitialized` " "dataset. Therefore climpred does " f"`{str(type(self))}.generate_uninitialized()`." ) self2 = self.generate_uninitialized() else: self2 = self skill = self2.verify(**verify_kwargs) # different ways to compute resample_skill if ( in PEARSON_R_CONTAINING_METRICS and self.kind == "hindcast" and alignment ): if ("same_verif" in alignment) & (resample_dim == "init"): raise KeywordError( "Cannot have alignment='same_verifs' and resample_dim='init' and " "metric='pearson_r'. Change `resample_dim` to 'member' to keep " "common verification alignment or `alignment` to 'same_inits' to " "resample over initializations." ) if OPTIONS["bootstrap_resample_skill_func"] == "default": if ( in PEARSON_R_CONTAINING_METRICS and self.kind == "hindcast" and resample_dim == "init" ): # slow: loop and verify each time # used for HindcastEnsemble.bootstrap(metric='acc') resampled_skills = resample_skill_loop( self, iterations, resample_dim, verify_kwargs ) elif ( alignment in ["same_verifs", "same_verif"] and self.kind == "hindcast" and resample_dim == "init" ): # allow resampled_skills = resample_skill_exclude_resample_dim_from_dim( self, iterations, resample_dim, verify_kwargs ) elif ( resample_dim == "init" and self.kind == "hindcast" and not _metric.probabilistic and != "rmse" ): # fast way by verify(dim=[]) and then resampling init # used for HindcastEnsemble.bootstrap(resample_dim='init') resampled_skills = resample_skill_exclude_resample_dim_from_dim( self, iterations, resample_dim, verify_kwargs ) elif ( resample_dim == "init" and self.kind == "hindcast" and _metric.probabilistic and "member" in dim and not in ["rank_histogram", "discrimination", "reliability"] ): # fast way by verify(dim=[]) and then resampling init # used for HindcastEnsemble.bootstrap(resample_dim='init') resampled_skills = resample_skill_exclude_resample_dim_from_dim( self, iterations, resample_dim, verify_kwargs ) elif ( resample_dim == "member" and self.kind == "hindcast" and in ["threshold_brier_score", "reliability", "rank_histogram"] ): resampled_skills = resample_skill_loop( self, iterations, resample_dim, verify_kwargs ) elif resample_dim == "member" or self.kind == "perfect": resampled_skills = resample_skill_resample_before( self, iterations, resample_dim, verify_kwargs ) else: # slow: loop and verify each time, but always works resampled_skills = resample_skill_loop( self, iterations, resample_dim, verify_kwargs ) else: resample_skill_func = eval( f"resample_skill_{OPTIONS['bootstrap_resample_skill_func']}" ) resampled_skills = resample_skill_func( self, iterations, resample_dim, verify_kwargs ) # continue with skill and resampled_skills if ( "uninitialized" in reference and OPTIONS["bootstrap_uninitialized_from_iterations_mean"] ): skill = xr.concat( [ skill.sel(skill="initialized"), resampled_skills.sel(skill="uninitialized").mean("iteration"), skill.drop_sel(skill=["initialized", "uninitialized"]), ], "skill", coords="minimal", )"exchange uninit with iteration mean skill passed") p, ci_low, ci_high = _p_ci_from_sig(sig) ci = _distribution_to_ci(resampled_skills, ci_low, ci_high) results_list = [ skill, ci.sel(quantile=ci_low, drop=True), ci.sel(quantile=ci_high, drop=True), ] results_labels = ["verify skill", "low_ci", "high_ci"] if reference != []: pvalue = _pvalue_from_distributions( resampled_skills.drop_sel(skill="initialized"), resampled_skills.sel(skill="initialized"), metric=_metric, ) pvalue = xr.concat( [ pvalue.isel(skill=0, drop=True) .assign_coords(skill="initialized") .where(1 == 2), # adds all NaN pvalue, ], "skill", **CONCAT_KWARGS, ) results_list.insert(1, pvalue) results_labels.insert(1, "p") results = xr.concat( results_list, dim="results", coords="minimal", compat="override", # take vars/coords from first ).assign_coords( skill=["initialized"] + reference, results=("results", results_labels), ) if results.skill.size == 1: results = results.isel(skill=0) results_dims = ( ["skill", "results", "lead"] if "skill" in list(results_list[0].dims) else ["results", "lead"] ) results = results.transpose(*results_dims, ...) results = assign_attrs( results, self.get_initialized(), function_name=f"{type(self).__name__}.bootstrap()", **verify_kwargs, resample_dim=resample_dim, sig=sig, iterations=iterations, ) return results
[docs]class PerfectModelEnsemble(PredictionEnsemble): """An object for "perfect model" prediction ensembles. :py:class:`.PerfectModelEnsemble` is a sub-class of :py:class:`.PredictionEnsemble`. It tracks the control run used to initialize the ensemble for easy computations, bootstrapping, etc. This object is built on ``xarray`` and thus requires the input object to be an :py:class:`xarray.Dataset` or :py:class:`xarray.DataArray`. """
[docs] def __init__(self, initialized: Union[xr.DataArray, xr.Dataset]) -> None: """Create a :py:class:`.PerfectModelEnsemble` object. Args: initialized: prediction ensemble output. Attributes: control: datasets dictionary item of control simulation associated with the initialized ensemble. uninitialized: datasets dictionary item of uninitialized forecast. """ super().__init__(initialized) # Reserve sub-dictionary for the control simulation. self._datasets.update({"control": {}}) self.kind = "perfect"
def _apply_climpred_function( self, func: Callable[..., xr.Dataset], input_dict: Dict[str, Any], **kwargs: Any, ) -> Union["PerfectModelEnsemble", xr.Dataset]: """Loop through observations and apply an arbitrary climpred function. Args: func: climpred function to apply to object. input_dict: dictionary with the following things: * ensemble: initialized or uninitialized ensemble. * control: control dictionary from HindcastEnsemble. * init (bool): True if the initialized ensemble, False if uninitialized. """ ensemble = input_dict["ensemble"] control = input_dict["control"] init = input_dict["init"] init_vars, ctrl_vars = self._vars_to_drop(init=init) ensemble = ensemble.drop_vars(init_vars) if control: control = control.drop_vars(ctrl_vars) return func(ensemble, control, **kwargs) def _vars_to_drop(self, init: bool = True) -> Tuple[List[str], List[str]]: """Return list of variables to drop when comparing datasets. This is useful if the two products being compared do not share the same variables. I.e., if the control has ["SST"] and the initialized has ["SST", "SALT"], this will return a list with ["SALT"] to be dropped from the initialized. Args: init: If ``True``, check variables on the initialized. If ``False``, check variables on the uninitialized. Returns: Lists of variables to drop from the initialized/uninitialized and control Datasets. """ init_str = "initialized" if init else "uninitialized" init_vars = list(self._datasets[init_str]) # only drop if control present if self._datasets["control"]: ctrl_vars = list(self._datasets["control"]) # Make lists of variables to drop that aren't in common # with one another. init_vars_to_drop = list(set(init_vars) - set(ctrl_vars)) ctrl_vars_to_drop = list(set(ctrl_vars) - set(init_vars)) else: init_vars_to_drop, ctrl_vars_to_drop = [], [] return init_vars_to_drop, ctrl_vars_to_drop
[docs] def add_control( self, control: Union[xr.DataArray, xr.Dataset] ) -> "PerfectModelEnsemble": """Add the control run that initialized the prediction ensemble. Args: control: control run. """ # NOTE: These should all be decorators. if isinstance(control, xr.DataArray): control = control.to_dataset() match_initialized_dims(self._datasets["initialized"], control) match_initialized_vars(self._datasets["initialized"], control) # Check that init is int, cftime, or datetime; convert ints or cftime to # datetime. control = convert_time_index(control, "time", "control[time]") # Check that converted/original cftime calendar is the same as the # initialized calendar to avoid any alignment errors. match_calendars(self._datasets["initialized"], control, kind2="control") datasets = self._datasets.copy() datasets.update({"control": control}) return self._construct_direct(datasets, kind="perfect")
[docs] def generate_uninitialized(self) -> "PerfectModelEnsemble": """Generate an uninitialized ensemble by resampling from the control simulation. Returns: ``uninitialzed`` resampled from ``control`` added to :py:class:`.PerfectModelEnsemble` """ has_dataset( self._datasets["control"], "control", "generate an uninitialized ensemble." ) uninit = bootstrap_uninit_pm_ensemble_from_control_cftime( self._datasets["initialized"], self._datasets["control"] ) uninit.coords["valid_time"] = self.get_initialized().coords["valid_time"] datasets = self._datasets.copy() datasets.update({"uninitialized": uninit}) return self._construct_direct(datasets, kind="perfect")
[docs] def get_control(self) -> xr.Dataset: """Return the control as an :py:class:`xarray.Dataset`.""" return self._datasets["control"]
[docs] def verify( self, metric: metricType = None, comparison: comparisonType = None, dim: dimType = None, reference: referenceType = None, groupby: groupbyType = None, **metric_kwargs: metric_kwargsType, ) -> xr.Dataset: """Verify initialized predictions against a configuration of its members. .. note:: The configuration of the other ensemble members is based off of the ``comparison`` keyword argument. Args: metric: Metric to apply for verification, see `metrics <../metrics.html>`_ comparison: How to compare the initialized prediction ensemble with itself, see `comparisons <../comparisons.html>`_. dim: Dimension(s) over which to apply ``metric``. ``dim`` is passed on to xskillscore.{metric} and includes xskillscore's ``member_dim``. ``dim`` should contain ``member`` when ``comparison`` is probabilistic but should not contain ``member`` when ``comparison=e2c``. Defaults to ``None`` meaning that all dimensions other than ``lead`` are reduced. reference: Type of reference forecasts with which to verify against. One or more of ``["uninitialized", "persistence", "climatology"]``. Defaults to ``None`` meaning no reference. For ``persistence``, choose between ``set_options(PerfectModel_persistence_from_initialized_lead_0)=False`` (default) using :py:func:`~climpred.reference.compute_persistence` or ``set_options(PerfectModel_persistence_from_initialized_lead_0)=True`` using :py:func:`~climpred.reference.compute_persistence_from_first_lead`. groupby: group ``init`` before passing ``initialized`` to ``verify``. **metric_kwargs: Arguments passed to ``metric``. Returns: ``initialized`` and ``reference`` forecast skill reduced by dimensions ``dim`` Example: Root mean square error (``rmse``) comparing every member with the ensemble mean forecast (``m2e``) for all leads reducing dimensions ``init`` and ``member``: >>> PerfectModelEnsemble.verify( ... metric="rmse", comparison="m2e", dim=["init", "member"] ... ) <xarray.Dataset> Dimensions: (lead: 20) Coordinates: * lead (lead) int64 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Data variables: tos (lead) float32 0.1028 0.1249 0.1443 0.1707 ... 0.2113 0.2452 0.2297 Attributes: prediction_skill_software: climpred skill_calculated_by_function: PerfectModelEnsemble.verify() number_of_initializations: 12 number_of_members: 10 metric: rmse comparison: m2e dim: ['init', 'member'] reference: [] Continuous Ranked Probability Score (``"crps"``) comparing every member to every other member (``"m2m"``) reducing dimensions ``member`` and ``init`` while also calculating reference skill for the ``persistence``, ``climatology`` and ``uninitialized`` forecast. >>> PerfectModelEnsemble.verify( ... metric="crps", ... comparison="m2m", ... dim=["init", "member"], ... reference=["persistence", "climatology", "uninitialized"], ... ) <xarray.Dataset> Dimensions: (skill: 4, lead: 20) Coordinates: * lead (lead) int64 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 * skill (skill) <U13 'initialized' 'persistence' ... 'uninitialized' Data variables: tos (skill, lead) float64 0.0621 0.07352 0.08678 ... 0.122 0.1246 Attributes: prediction_skill_software: climpred https://climp... skill_calculated_by_function: PerfectModelEnsemble.v... number_of_initializations: 12 number_of_members: 10 metric: crps comparison: m2m dim: ['init', 'member'] reference: ['persistence', 'clima... PerfectModel_persistence_from_initialized_lead_0: False """ if groupby is not None: return self._groupby( "verify", groupby, reference=reference, metric=metric, comparison=comparison, dim=dim, **metric_kwargs, ) reference = _check_valid_reference(reference) input_dict = { "ensemble": self._datasets["initialized"], "control": self._datasets["control"] if isinstance(self._datasets["control"], xr.Dataset) else None, "init": True, } result = self._apply_climpred_function( compute_perfect_model, input_dict=input_dict, metric=metric, comparison=comparison, dim=dim, **metric_kwargs, ) if self._temporally_smoothed: result = _reset_temporal_axis(result, self._temporally_smoothed, dim="lead") result["lead"].attrs = self.get_initialized().lead.attrs # compute reference skills if reference: for r in reference: dim_orig = deepcopy(dim) # preserve dim, because ref_compute_kwargs = deepcopy(metric_kwargs) # persistence changes dim ref_compute_kwargs.update( {"dim": dim_orig, "metric": metric, "comparison": comparison} ) if r == "persistence": if not OPTIONS["PerfectModel_persistence_from_initialized_lead_0"]: del ref_compute_kwargs["comparison"] ref = getattr(self, f"_compute_{r}")(**ref_compute_kwargs) result = xr.concat([result, ref], dim="skill", **CONCAT_KWARGS) result = result.assign_coords(skill=["initialized"] + reference) result = assign_attrs( result, self.get_initialized(), function_name="PerfectModelEnsemble.verify()", metric=metric, comparison=comparison, dim=dim, reference=reference, **metric_kwargs, ) return result.squeeze()
def _compute_uninitialized( self, metric: metricType = None, comparison: comparisonType = None, dim: dimType = None, **metric_kwargs: metric_kwargsType, ) -> xr.Dataset: """Verify the bootstrapped uninitialized run against itself. .. note:: The configuration of the other ensemble members is based off of the ``comparison`` keyword argument. Args: metric: Metric to apply for verification, see `metrics <../metrics.html>`_ comparison: How to compare the uninitialized against itself, see `comparisons <../comparisons.html>`_. dim: Dimension(s) over which to apply metric. ``dim`` is passed on to xskillscore.{metric} and includes xskillscore's ``member_dim``. ``dim`` should contain ``member`` when ``comparison`` is probabilistic but should not contain ``member`` when ``comparison=e2c``. Defaults to ``None``, meaning that all dimensions other than ``lead`` are reduced. **metric_kwargs: Arguments passed to ``metric``. Returns: ``initialized`` and ``reference`` forecast skill reduced by dimensions ``dim`` """ has_dataset( self._datasets["uninitialized"], "uninitialized", "compute an uninitialized metric", ) input_dict = { "ensemble": self._datasets["uninitialized"], "control": self._datasets["control"] if isinstance(self._datasets["control"], xr.Dataset) else None, "init": False, } if dim is None: dim = list(self._datasets["initialized"].isel(lead=0).dims) res = self._apply_climpred_function( compute_perfect_model, input_dict=input_dict, metric=metric, comparison=comparison, dim=dim, **metric_kwargs, ) if self._temporally_smoothed: res = _reset_temporal_axis(res, self._temporally_smoothed, dim="lead") res["lead"].attrs = self.get_initialized().lead.attrs return res def _compute_persistence( self, metric: metricType = None, dim: dimType = None, **metric_kwargs: metric_kwargsType, ): """Verify a simple persistence forecast of the control run against itself. Note: uses :py:func:`~climpred.reference.compute_persistence_from_first_lead` if ``set_options(PerfectModel_persistence_from_initialized_lead_0=True)`` else :py:func:`~climpred.reference.compute_persistence`. Args: metric: Metric to apply for verification, see `metrics <../metrics.html>`_ comparison: How to compare the persistence against itself, see `comparisons <../comparisons.html>`_. Only valid if ``PerfectModel_persistence_from_initialized_lead_0=True``. dim: Dimension(s) over which to apply metric. ``dim`` is passed on to xskillscore.{metric} and includes xskillscore's ``member_dim``. ``dim`` should contain ``member`` when ``comparison`` is probabilistic but should not contain ``member`` when ``comparison=e2c``. Defaults to ``None``, meaning that all dimensions other than ``lead`` are reduced. **metric_kwargs: Arguments passed to ``metric``. Returns: persistence forecast skill. References: * Chapter 8 (Short-Term Climate Prediction) in Van den Dool, Huug. Empirical methods in short-term climate prediction. Oxford University Press, 2007. """ if dim is None: dim = list(self._datasets["initialized"].isel(lead=0).dims) compute_persistence_func: Callable[..., xr.Dataset] compute_persistence_func = compute_persistence_from_first_lead if OPTIONS["PerfectModel_persistence_from_initialized_lead_0"]: compute_persistence_func = compute_persistence_from_first_lead if self.get_initialized().lead[0] != 0: if OPTIONS["warn_for_failed_PredictionEnsemble_xr_call"]: warnings.warn( "Calculate persistence from " f"lead={int(self.get_initialized().lead[0].values)} instead " "of lead=0 (recommended)." ) else: compute_persistence_func = compute_persistence if self._datasets["control"] == {}: warnings.warn( "You may also calculate persistence based on " "``initialized.isel(lead=0)`` by changing " " ``set_options(PerfectModel_persistence_from_initialized_lead_0=True)``." # noqa: E501 ) has_dataset( self._datasets["control"], "control", "compute a persistence forecast" ) input_dict = { "ensemble": self._datasets["initialized"], "control": self._datasets["control"], "init": True, } res = self._apply_climpred_function( compute_persistence_func, input_dict=input_dict, metric=metric, alignment="same_inits", dim=dim, **metric_kwargs, ) if self._temporally_smoothed: res = _reset_temporal_axis(res, self._temporally_smoothed, dim="lead") res["lead"].attrs = self.get_initialized().lead.attrs return res def _compute_climatology( self, metric: metricType = None, comparison: comparisonType = None, dim: dimType = None, **metric_kwargs: metric_kwargsType, ) -> xr.Dataset: """Verify a climatology forecast. Args: metric: Metric to apply for verification, see `metrics <../metrics.html>`_ comparison: How to compare the climatology against itself, see `comparisons <../comparisons.html>`_ dim: Dimension(s) over which to apply metric. ``dim`` is passed on to xskillscore.{metric} and includes xskillscore's ``member_dim``. ``dim`` should contain ``member`` when ``comparison`` is probabilistic but should not contain ``member`` when ``comparison=e2c``. Defaults to ``None``, meaning that all dimensions other than ``lead`` are reduced. **metric_kwargs: Arguments passed to ``metric``. Returns: climatology forecast skill References: * Chapter 8 (Short-Term Climate Prediction) in Van den Dool, Huug. Empirical methods in short-term climate prediction. Oxford University Press, 2007. """ input_dict = { "ensemble": self._datasets["initialized"], "control": self._datasets["control"] if isinstance(self._datasets["control"], xr.Dataset) else None, "init": True, } if dim is None: dim = list(self.get_initialized().isel(lead=0).dims) res = self._apply_climpred_function( compute_climatology, input_dict=input_dict, metric=metric, comparison=comparison, dim=dim, **metric_kwargs, ) if self._temporally_smoothed: res = _reset_temporal_axis(res, self._temporally_smoothed, dim="lead") res["lead"].attrs = self.get_initialized().lead.attrs return res
[docs] def bootstrap( self, metric: metricType = None, comparison: comparisonType = None, dim: dimType = None, reference: referenceType = None, groupby: groupbyType = None, iterations: Optional[int] = None, sig: int = 95, resample_dim: str = "member", **metric_kwargs: metric_kwargsType, ) -> xr.Dataset: """Bootstrap with replacement according to :cite:t:`Goddard2013`. Args: metric: Metric to apply for verification, see `metrics <../metrics.html>`_ comparison: How to compare the forecast against itself, see `comparisons <../comparisons.html>`_ dim: Dimension(s) over which to apply metric. ``dim`` is passed on to xskillscore.{metric} and includes xskillscore's ``member_dim``. ``dim`` should contain ``member`` when ``comparison`` is probabilistic but should not contain ``member`` when ``comparison=e2c``. Defaults to ``None`` meaning that all dimensions other than ``lead`` are reduced. reference: Type of reference forecasts with which to verify against. One or more of ``["uninitialized", "persistence", "climatology"]``. Defaults to ``None`` meaning no reference. If ``None`` or ``[]``, returns no p value. For ``persistence``, choose between ``set_options(PerfectModel_persistence_from_initialized_lead_0)=False`` (default) using :py:func:`~climpred.reference.compute_persistence` or ``set_options(PerfectModel_persistence_from_initialized_lead_0)=True`` using :py:func:`~climpred.reference.compute_persistence_from_first_lead`. iterations: Number of resampling iterations for bootstrapping with replacement. Recommended >= 500. resample_dim: dimension to resample from. Defaults to `"member"``. - "member": select a different set of members from forecast - "init': select a different set of initializations from forecast sig: Significance level in percent for deciding whether uninitialized and persistence beat initialized skill. groupby: group ``init`` before passing ``initialized`` to ``bootstrap``. **metric_kwargs: arguments passed to ``metric``. Returns: :py:class:`xarray.Dataset` with dimensions ``results`` (holding ``verify skill``, ``p``, ``low_ci`` and ``high_ci``) and ``skill`` (holding ``initialized``, ``persistence`` and/or ``uninitialized``): * results="verify skill", skill="initialized": mean initialized skill * results="high_ci", skill="initialized": high confidence interval boundary for initialized skill * results="p", skill="uninitialized": p value of the hypothesis that the difference of skill between the initialized and uninitialized simulations is smaller or equal to zero based on bootstrapping with replacement. * results="p", skill="persistence": p value of the hypothesis that the difference of skill between the initialized and persistenceistence simulations is smaller or equal to zero based on bootstrapping with replacement. Reference: :cite:t:`Goddard2013` Example: Continuous Ranked Probability Score (``"crps"``) comparing every member to every other member (``"m2m"``) reducing dimensions ``member`` and ``init`` 50 times after resampling ``member`` dimension with replacement. Also calculate reference skill for the ``"persistence"``, ``"climatology"`` and ``"uninitialized"`` forecast and compare whether initialized skill is better than reference skill: Returns verify skill, probability that reference forecast performs better than initialized and the lower and upper bound of the resample. >>> PerfectModelEnsemble.bootstrap( ... metric="crps", ... comparison="m2m", ... dim=["init", "member"], ... iterations=50, ... resample_dim="member", ... reference=["persistence", "climatology", "uninitialized"], ... ) <xarray.Dataset> Dimensions: (skill: 4, results: 4, lead: 20) Coordinates: * lead (lead) int64 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 * skill (skill) <U13 'initialized' 'persistence' ... 'uninitialized' * results (results) <U12 'verify skill' 'p' 'low_ci' 'high_ci' Data variables: tos (skill, results, lead) float64 0.0621 0.07352 ... 0.117 0.09826 Attributes: (12/13) prediction_skill_software: climpred https://climp... skill_calculated_by_function: PerfectModelEnsemble.b... number_of_initializations: 12 number_of_members: 10 metric: crps comparison: m2m ... ... reference: ['persistence', 'clima... PerfectModel_persistence_from_initialized_lead_0: False resample_dim: member sig: 95 iterations: 50 confidence_interval_levels: 0.975-0.025 """ return self._bootstrap( metric=metric, comparison=comparison, dim=dim, reference=reference, groupby=groupby, iterations=iterations, sig=sig, resample_dim=resample_dim, **metric_kwargs, )
[docs]class HindcastEnsemble(PredictionEnsemble): """An object for initialized prediction ensembles. :py:class:`.HindcastEnsemble` is a sub-class of :py:class:`.PredictionEnsemble`. It tracks a verification dataset (i.e., observations) associated with the hindcast ensemble for easy computation across multiple variables. This object is built on :py:class:`xarray.Dataset` and thus requires the input object to be an :py:class:`xarray.Dataset` or :py:class:`xarray.DataArray`. """
[docs] def __init__(self, initialized: Union[xr.DataArray, xr.Dataset]) -> None: """Create ``HindcastEnsemble`` from initialized prediction ensemble output. Args: initialized: initialized prediction ensemble output. Attributes: observations: datasets dictionary item of verification data to associate with the prediction ensemble. uninitialized: datasets dictionary item of uninitialized forecast. """ super().__init__(initialized) self._datasets.update({"observations": {}}) self.kind = "hindcast"
def _apply_climpred_function( self, func: Callable[..., xr.Dataset], init: bool, **kwargs: Any ) -> Union["HindcastEnsemble", xr.Dataset]: """Loop through verification data and apply an arbitrary climpred function. Args: func: climpred function to apply to object. init: Whether or not it's the initialized ensemble. """ hind = self._datasets["initialized"] verif = self._datasets["observations"] drop_init, drop_obs = self._vars_to_drop(init=init) return func(hind.drop_vars(drop_init), verif.drop_vars(drop_obs), **kwargs) def _vars_to_drop(self, init: bool = True) -> Tuple[List[str], List[str]]: """Return list of variables to drop. When comparing initialized/uninitialized to observations. This is useful if the two products being compared do not share the same variables. I.e., if the observations have ["SST"] and the initialized has ["SST", "SALT"], this will return a list with ["SALT"] to be dropped from the initialized. Args: init: If ``True``, check variables on the initialized. If ``False``, check variables on the uninitialized. Returns: Lists of variables to drop from the initialized/uninitialized and observational Datasets. """ if init: init_vars = [var for var in self._datasets["initialized"].data_vars] else: init_vars = [var for var in self._datasets["uninitialized"].data_vars] obs_vars = [var for var in self._datasets["observations"].data_vars] # Make lists of variables to drop that aren't in common # with one another. init_vars_to_drop = list(set(init_vars) - set(obs_vars)) obs_vars_to_drop = list(set(obs_vars) - set(init_vars)) return init_vars_to_drop, obs_vars_to_drop
[docs] def add_observations( self, obs: Union[xr.DataArray, xr.Dataset] ) -> "HindcastEnsemble": """Add verification data against which to verify the initialized ensemble. Same as :py:meth:`.HindcastEnsemble.add_verification`. Args: obs: observations added to :py:class:`.HindcastEnsemble`. """ if isinstance(obs, xr.DataArray): obs = obs.to_dataset() match_initialized_dims(self._datasets["initialized"], obs) match_initialized_vars(self._datasets["initialized"], obs) # Check that time is int, cftime, or datetime; convert ints or cftime to # datetime. obs = convert_time_index(obs, "time", "obs[time]") # Check that converted/original cftime calendar is the same as the # initialized calendar to avoid any alignment errors. match_calendars(self._datasets["initialized"], obs) datasets = self._datasets.copy() datasets.update({"observations": obs}) return self._construct_direct(datasets, kind="hindcast")
def add_verification( self, verif: Union[xr.DataArray, xr.Dataset] ) -> "HindcastEnsemble": """Add verification data against which to verify the initialized ensemble. Same as :py:meth:`.HindcastEnsemble.add_observations`. Args: verif: verification added to :py:class:`.HindcastEnsemble`. """ return self.add_observations(verif)
[docs] def add_uninitialized( self, uninit: Union[xr.DataArray, xr.Dataset] ) -> "HindcastEnsemble": """Add a companion uninitialized ensemble for comparison to verification data. Args: uninit: uninitialzed ensemble. """ if isinstance(uninit, xr.DataArray): uninit = uninit.to_dataset() match_initialized_dims( self._datasets["initialized"], uninit, uninitialized=True ) match_initialized_vars(self._datasets["initialized"], uninit) # Check that init is int, cftime, or datetime; convert ints or cftime to # datetime. uninit = convert_time_index(uninit, "time", "uninit[time]") # Check that converted/original cftime calendar is the same as the # initialized calendar to avoid any alignment errors. match_calendars(self._datasets["initialized"], uninit, kind2="uninitialized") datasets = self._datasets.copy() datasets.update({"uninitialized": uninit}) return self._construct_direct(datasets, kind="hindcast")
[docs] def get_observations(self) -> xr.Dataset: """Return the :py:class:`xarray.Dataset` of the observations/verification data. Returns: observations """ return self._datasets["observations"]
[docs] def generate_uninitialized( self, resample_dim: List[str] = ["init", "member"] ) -> "HindcastEnsemble": """Generate ``uninitialized`` by resampling from ``initialized``. Args: resample_dim: dimension to resample from. Must contain ``"init"``. Returns: resampled ``uninitialized`` ensemble added to :py:class:`.HindcastEnsemble` Example: >>> HindcastEnsemble # uninitialized from historical simulations <climpred.HindcastEnsemble> Initialized: SST (init, lead, member) float64 -0.2392 -0.2203 ... 0.618 0.6136 Uninitialized: SST (time, member) float64 -0.1969 -0.01221 -0.275 ... 0.4179 0.3974 Observations: SST (time) float32 -0.4015 -0.3524 -0.1851 ... 0.2481 0.346 0.4502 >>> HindcastEnsemble.generate_uninitialized() # newly generated from initialized <climpred.HindcastEnsemble> Initialized: SST (init, lead, member) float64 -0.2392 -0.2203 ... 0.618 0.6136 Uninitialized: SST (time, member) float64 0.04868 0.07173 0.09435 ... 0.4158 0.418 Observations: SST (time) float32 -0.4015 -0.3524 -0.1851 ... 0.2481 0.346 0.4502 """ uninit = resample_uninitialized_from_initialized( self._datasets["initialized"], resample_dim=resample_dim ) datasets = self._datasets.copy() datasets.update({"uninitialized": uninit}) return self._construct_direct(datasets, kind="hindcast")
[docs] def plot_alignment( self: "HindcastEnsemble", alignment: Optional[Union[str, List[str]]] = None, reference: Optional[referenceType] = None, date2num_units: str = "days since 1960-01-01", return_xr: bool = False, cmap: str = "viridis", edgecolors: str = "gray", **plot_kwargs: Any, ) -> Any: """ Plot ``initialized`` ``valid_time`` where matching ``verification`` ``time``. Depends on ``alignment``. Plots ``days since reference date`` controlled by ``date2num_units``. ``NaN`` / white space shows where no verification is done. Args: alignment: which inits or verification times should be aligned? - ``"maximize"``: maximize the degrees of freedom by slicing ``initialized`` and ``verif`` to a common time frame at each lead. - ``"same_inits"``: slice to a common ``init`` frame prior to computing metric. This philosophy follows the thought that each lead should be based on the same set of initializations. - ``"same_verif"``: slice to a common/consistent verification time frame prior to computing metric. This philosophy follows the thought that each lead should be based on the same set of verification dates. - ``None`` defaults to the three above. reference: Type of reference forecasts with which to verify against. One or more of ``["uninitialized", "persistence", "climatology"]``. Defaults to ``None`` meaning no reference. date2num_units: passed to ``cftime.date2num`` as units return_xr: if ``True`` return :py:class:`xarray.DataArray` else plot cmap: color palette edgecolors: color of the edges in the plot **plot_kwargs: arguments passed to ``plot``. Returns: :py:class:`xarray.DataArray` if ``return_xr`` else plot Example: >>> HindcastEnsemble.plot_alignment(alignment=None, return_xr=True) <xarray.DataArray 'valid_time' (alignment: 3, lead: 10, init: 61)> array([[[-1826., -1461., -1095., ..., nan, nan, nan], [-1461., -1095., -730., ..., nan, nan, nan], [-1095., -730., -365., ..., nan, nan, nan], ..., [ 731., 1096., 1461., ..., nan, nan, nan], [ 1096., 1461., 1827., ..., nan, nan, nan], [ 1461., 1827., 2192., ..., nan, nan, nan]], <BLANKLINE> [[ nan, nan, nan, ..., 19359., 19724., 20089.], [ nan, nan, nan, ..., 19724., 20089., nan], [ nan, nan, nan, ..., 20089., nan, nan], ..., [ nan, nan, 1461., ..., nan, nan, nan], [ nan, 1461., 1827., ..., nan, nan, nan], [ 1461., 1827., 2192., ..., nan, nan, nan]], <BLANKLINE> [[-1826., -1461., -1095., ..., 19359., 19724., 20089.], [-1461., -1095., -730., ..., 19724., 20089., nan], [-1095., -730., -365., ..., 20089., nan, nan], ..., [ 731., 1096., 1461., ..., nan, nan, nan], [ 1096., 1461., 1827., ..., nan, nan, nan], [ 1461., 1827., 2192., ..., nan, nan, nan]]]) Coordinates: * init (init) object 1954-01-01 00:00:00 ... 2014-01-01 00:00:00 * lead (lead) int32 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 * alignment (alignment) <U10 'same_init' 'same_verif' 'maximize' valid_time (lead, init) object 1955-01-01 00:00:00 ... 2024-01-01 00:00:00 Attributes: units: days since 1960-01-01 >>> HindcastEnsemble.plot_alignment( ... alignment="same_verifs" ... ) # doctest: +SKIP <matplotlib.collections.QuadMesh object at 0x1405c1520> See also: """ from .graphics import _verif_dates_xr if alignment is None or alignment == []: alignment = ["same_init", "same_verif", "maximize"] if isinstance(alignment, str): alignment = [alignment] alignment_dates = [] alignments_success = [] for a in alignment: try: alignment_dates.append( _verif_dates_xr(self, a, reference, date2num_units) ) alignments_success.append(a) except CoordinateError as e: warnings.warn(f"alignment='{a}' failed. CoordinateError: {e}") verif_dates_xr = ( xr.concat( alignment_dates, "alignment", ) .assign_coords(alignment=alignments_success) .squeeze() ) if "alignment" in verif_dates_xr.dims: plot_kwargs["col"] = "alignment" if return_xr: return add_time_from_init_lead(verif_dates_xr) try: import nc_time_axis # noqa: assert int(nc_time_axis.__version__.replace(".", "")) >= 140 return verif_dates_xr.plot(cmap=cmap, edgecolors=edgecolors, **plot_kwargs) except ImportError: raise ValueError("nc_time_axis>1.4.0 required for plotting.")
[docs] def verify( self, metric: metricType = None, comparison: comparisonType = None, dim: dimType = None, alignment: alignmentType = None, reference: referenceType = None, groupby: groupbyType = None, **metric_kwargs: metric_kwargsType, ) -> xr.Dataset: """Verify the initialized ensemble against observations. .. note:: This will automatically verify against all shared variables between the initialized ensemble and observations/verification data. Args: metric: Metric to apply for verification, see `metrics <../metrics.html>`_ comparison: How to compare to the observations/verification data. See `comparisons <../comparisons.html>`_. dim: Dimension(s) to apply metric over. ``dim`` is passed on to xskillscore.{metric} and includes xskillscore's ``member_dim``. ``dim`` should contain ``member`` when ``comparison`` is probabilistic but should not contain ``member`` when ``comparison=e2o``. Defaults to ``None`` meaning that all dimensions other than ``lead`` are reduced. alignment: which inits or verification times should be aligned? - ``"maximize"``: maximize the degrees of freedom by slicing ``initialized`` and ``verif`` to a common time frame at each lead. - ``"same_inits"``: slice to a common ``init`` frame prior to computing metric. This philosophy follows the thought that each lead should be based on the same set of initializations. - ``"same_verif"``: slice to a common/consistent verification time frame prior to computing metric. This philosophy follows the thought that each lead should be based on the same set of verification dates. reference: Type of reference forecasts with which to verify against. One or more of ``["uninitialized", "persistence", "climatology"]``. Defaults to ``None`` meaning no reference. groupby: group ``init`` before passing ``initialized`` to ``verify``. **metric_kwargs: arguments passed to ``metric``. Returns: ``initialized`` and ``reference`` forecast skill reduced by dimensions ``dim`` Example: Continuous Ranked Probability Score (``crps``) comparing every member with the verification (``m2o``) over the same verification time (``same_verifs``) for all leads reducing dimensions ``init`` and ``member``: >>> HindcastEnsemble.verify( ... metric="crps", ... comparison="m2o", ... alignment="same_verifs", ... dim=["init", "member"], ... ) <xarray.Dataset> Dimensions: (lead: 10) Coordinates: * lead (lead) int32 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 skill <U11 'initialized' Data variables: SST (lead) float64 0.05208 0.05009 0.05489 ... 0.09261 0.1083 0.1176 Attributes: prediction_skill_software: climpred skill_calculated_by_function: HindcastEnsemble.verify() number_of_initializations: 64 number_of_members: 10 alignment: same_verifs metric: crps comparison: m2o dim: ['init', 'member'] reference: [] Root mean square error (``"rmse"``) comparing the ensemble mean with the verification (``"e2o"``) over the same initializations (``"same_inits"``) for all leads reducing dimension ``init`` while also calculating reference skill for the ``"persistence"``, ``"climatology"`` and ``"uninitialized"`` forecast. >>> HindcastEnsemble.verify( ... metric="rmse", ... comparison="e2o", ... alignment="same_inits", ... dim="init", ... reference=["persistence", "climatology", "uninitialized"], ... ) <xarray.Dataset> Dimensions: (skill: 4, lead: 10) Coordinates: * lead (lead) int32 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 * skill (skill) <U13 'initialized' 'persistence' ... 'uninitialized' Data variables: SST (skill, lead) float64 0.08135 0.08254 0.086 ... 0.1012 0.1017 Attributes: prediction_skill_software: climpred skill_calculated_by_function: HindcastEnsemble.verify() number_of_initializations: 64 number_of_members: 10 alignment: same_inits metric: rmse comparison: e2o dim: init reference: ['persistence', 'climatology', 'uninitiali... The verification does not need to reduce a dimension. To obtain the skill for each initialization, set ``dim=[]``. >>> HindcastEnsemble.verify( ... metric="rmse", ... comparison="e2o", ... alignment="same_verifs", ... dim=[], ... ) <xarray.Dataset> Dimensions: (init: 61, lead: 10) Coordinates: * init (init) object 1954-01-01 00:00:00 ... 2014-01-01 00:00:00 * lead (lead) int32 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 valid_time (lead, init) object 1955-01-01 00:00:00 ... 2024-01-01 00:00:00 skill <U11 'initialized' Data variables: SST (lead, init) float64 nan nan nan nan nan ... nan nan nan nan nan Attributes: prediction_skill_software: climpred skill_calculated_by_function: HindcastEnsemble.verify() number_of_members: 10 alignment: same_verifs metric: rmse comparison: e2o dim: [] reference: [] """ if groupby is not None: return self._groupby( "verify", groupby, reference=reference, metric=metric, comparison=comparison, dim=dim, alignment=alignment, **metric_kwargs, ) if dim is None: viable_dims = list(self.get_initialized().isel(lead=0).dims) + [[]] raise ValueError( "Designate a dimension to reduce over when applying the " f"metric. Got {dim}. Choose one or more of {viable_dims}" ) if ("member" in dim) and comparison not in ["m2o", "m2r"]: raise ValueError( "Comparison must equal 'm2o' with dim='member'. " f"Got comparison {comparison}." ) reference = _check_valid_reference(reference) def _verify( hind, verif, hist, reference, metric, comparison, alignment, dim, **metric_kwargs, ): """Interior verify func to be passed to apply func.""" metric, comparison, dim = _get_metric_comparison_dim( hind, metric, comparison, dim, kind=self.kind ) forecast, verif = comparison.function(hind, verif, metric=metric) if == "rps": # modify metric_kwargs for rps metric_kwargs = broadcast_metric_kwargs_for_rps( forecast, verif, metric_kwargs ) forecast = forecast.rename({"init": "time"}) inits, verif_dates = return_inits_and_verif_dates( forecast, verif, alignment, reference=reference, hist=hist, ) metric_over_leads = [ _apply_metric_at_given_lead( verif, verif_dates, lead, initialized=forecast, hist=hist, inits=inits, # Ensure apply metric function returns skill and not reference # results. reference=None, metric=metric, comparison=comparison, dim=dim, **metric_kwargs, ) for lead in forecast["lead"].data ] result = xr.concat(metric_over_leads, dim="lead") # , **CONCAT_KWARGS) result["lead"] = forecast["lead"] if reference is not None: if "member" in verif.dims: # if broadcasted before verif = verif.isel(member=0) for r in reference: metric_over_leads = [ _apply_metric_at_given_lead( verif, verif_dates, lead, initialized=forecast, hist=hist, inits=inits, reference=r, metric=metric, comparison=comparison, dim=dim, **metric_kwargs, ) for lead in forecast["lead"].data ] ref = xr.concat( metric_over_leads, dim="lead", **CONCAT_KWARGS ).assign_coords(lead=forecast.lead.values) # fix to get no member dim for uninitialized e2o skill #477 if ( r == "uninitialized" and == "e2o" and "member" in ref.dims ): ref = ref.mean("member") if "time" in ref.dims and "time" not in result.dims: ref = ref.rename({"time": "init"}) # fix #735 if ( r == "uninitialized" and "member" in dim and "member" in ref.dims ): ref = ref.mean("member") result = xr.concat([result, ref], dim="skill", **CONCAT_KWARGS) # rename back to 'init' if "time" in result.dims: result = result.swap_dims({"time": "init"}) if "time" in result.coords: if "init" in result.coords["time"].dims: result = result.rename({"time": "init"}) # Add dimension/coordinate for different references. result = result.assign_coords(skill=["initialized"] + reference) return result.squeeze() has_dataset( self._datasets["observations"], "observational", "verify a forecast" ) if "uninitialized" in reference: has_dataset( self._datasets["uninitialized"], "uninitialized", "compute an uninitialized reference forecast", ) hist = self._datasets["uninitialized"] else: hist = None res = self._apply_climpred_function( _verify, init=True, metric=metric, comparison=comparison, alignment=alignment, dim=dim, hist=hist, reference=reference, **metric_kwargs, ) if self._temporally_smoothed: res = _reset_temporal_axis(res, self._temporally_smoothed, dim="lead") res["lead"].attrs = self.get_initialized().lead.attrs if ( "valid_time" in res.coords ): # NaNs in valid_time only happen for same_verifs and dim=[] if res.coords["valid_time"].isnull().any(): res.coords["valid_time"] = self.get_initialized().coords["valid_time"] res = assign_attrs( res, self.get_initialized(), function_name="HindcastEnsemble.verify()", metric=metric, comparison=comparison, dim=dim, alignment=alignment, reference=reference, **metric_kwargs, ) return res
[docs] def bootstrap( self, metric: metricType = None, comparison: comparisonType = None, dim: dimType = None, alignment: alignmentType = None, reference: referenceType = None, groupby: groupbyType = None, iterations: Optional[int] = None, sig: int = 95, resample_dim: str = "member", **metric_kwargs: metric_kwargsType, ) -> xr.Dataset: """Bootstrap with replacement according to :cite:t:`Goddard2013`. Args: metric: Metric to apply for verification, see `metrics <../metrics.html>`_ comparison: How to compare to the observations/verification data. See `comparisons <../comparisons.html>`_. dim: Dimension(s) to apply metric over. ``dim`` is passed on to xskillscore.{metric} and includes xskillscore's ``member_dim``. ``dim`` should contain ``member`` when ``comparison`` is probabilistic but should not contain ``member`` when ``comparison="e2o"``. Defaults to ``None`` meaning that all dimensions other than ``lead`` are reduced. reference: Type of reference forecasts with which to verify against. One or more of ``["uninitialized", "persistence", "climatology"]``. Defaults to ``None`` meaning no reference. If ``None`` or ``[]``, returns no p value. alignment: which inits or verification times should be aligned? - ""maximize: maximize the degrees of freedom by slicing ``init`` and ``verif`` to a common time frame at each lead. - ``"same_inits"``: slice to a common ``init`` frame prior to computing metric. This philosophy follows the thought that each lead should be based on the same set of initializations. - ``"same_verif"``: slice to a common/consistent verification time frame prior to computing metric. This philosophy follows the thought that each lead should be based on the same set of verification dates. iterations: Number of resampling iterations for bootstrapping with replacement. Recommended >= 500. sig: Significance level in percent for deciding whether uninitialized and persistence beat initialized skill. resample_dim: dimension to resample from. Default: ``"member"``. - ``"member"``: select a different set of members from hind - ``"init"``: select a different set of initializations from hind groupby: group ``init`` before passing ``initialized`` to ``bootstrap``. **metric_kwargs: arguments passed to ``metric``. Returns: :py:class:`xarray.Dataset` with dimensions ``results`` (holding ``skill``, ``p``, ``low_ci`` and ``high_ci``) and ``skill`` (holding ``initialized``, ``persistence`` and/or ``uninitialized``): * results="verify skill", skill="initialized": mean initialized skill * results="high_ci", skill="initialized": high confidence interval boundary for initialized skill * results="p", skill="uninitialized": p value of the hypothesis that the difference of skill between the initialized and uninitialized simulations is smaller or equal to zero based on bootstrapping with replacement. * results="p", skill="persistence": p value of the hypothesis that the difference of skill between the initialized and persistence simulations is smaller or equal to zero based on bootstrapping with replacement. References: :cite:t:`Goddard2013` Example: Continuous Ranked Probability Score (``"crps"``) comparing every member forecast to the verification (``"m2o"``) over the same initializations (``"same_inits"``) for all leads reducing dimension ``member`` 50 times after resampling ``member`` dimension with replacement. Note that dimension ``init`` remains. Also calculate reference skill for the ``"persistence"``, ``"climatology"`` and ``"uninitialized"`` forecast and compare whether initialized skill is better than reference skill: Returns verify skill, probability that reference forecast performs better than initialized and the lower and upper bound of the resample. >>> HindcastEnsemble.bootstrap( ... metric="crps", ... comparison="m2o", ... dim="member", ... iterations=50, ... resample_dim="member", ... alignment="same_inits", ... reference=["persistence", "climatology", "uninitialized"], ... ) <xarray.Dataset> Dimensions: (skill: 4, results: 4, lead: 10, init: 51) Coordinates: * init (init) object 1955-01-01 00:00:00 ... 2005-01-01 00:00:00 * lead (lead) int32 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 valid_time (lead, init) object 1956-01-01 00:00:00 ... 2015-01-01 00:00:00 * skill (skill) <U13 'initialized' 'persistence' ... 'uninitialized' * results (results) <U12 'verify skill' 'p' 'low_ci' 'high_ci' Data variables: SST (skill, results, lead, init) float64 0.1202 0.01764 ... 0.07578 Attributes: prediction_skill_software: climpred skill_calculated_by_function: HindcastEnsemble.bootstrap() number_of_members: 10 alignment: same_inits metric: crps comparison: m2o dim: member reference: ['persistence', 'climatology', 'uninitiali... resample_dim: member sig: 95 iterations: 50 confidence_interval_levels: 0.975-0.025 """ return self._bootstrap( metric=metric, comparison=comparison, dim=dim, alignment=alignment, reference=reference, groupby=groupby, iterations=iterations, sig=sig, resample_dim=resample_dim, **metric_kwargs, )
[docs] def remove_bias( self, alignment: alignmentType = None, how: str = "additive_mean", train_test_split: str = "unfair", train_init: Optional[Union[xr.DataArray, slice]] = None, train_time: Optional[Union[xr.DataArray, slice]] = None, cv: Union[bool, str] = False, **metric_kwargs: metric_kwargsType, ) -> "HindcastEnsemble": """Remove bias from :py:class:`.HindcastEnsemble`. Bias is grouped by ``seasonality`` set via :py:class:`~climpred.options.set_options`. When wrapping :py:class:`xclim.sdba.adjustment.TrainAdjust` use ``group`` instead. Args: alignment: which inits or verification times should be aligned? - ``""maximize``: maximize the degrees of freedom by slicing ``initialized`` and ``verif`` to a common time frame at each lead. - ``"same_inits"``: slice to a common ``init`` frame prior to computing metric. This philosophy follows the thought that each lead should be based on the same set of initializations. - ``"same_verif"``: slice to a common/consistent verification time frame prior to computing metric. This philosophy follows the thought that each lead should be based on the same set of verification dates. how: what kind of bias removal to perform. Defaults to ``"additive_mean"``. Select from: - ``"additive_mean"``: correcting the mean forecast additively - ``"multiplicative_mean"``: correcting the mean forecast multiplicatively - ``"multiplicative_std"``: correcting the standard deviation multiplicatively - ``"modified_quantile"``: `Reference <>`_ - ``"basic_quantile"``: `Reference <>`_ - ``"gamma_mapping"``: `Reference <>`_ - ``"normal_mapping"``: `Reference <>`_ - :py:class:`xclim.sdba.adjustment.EmpiricalQuantileMapping` - :py:class:`xclim.sdba.adjustment.DetrendedQuantileMapping` - :py:class:`xclim.sdba.adjustment.PrincipalComponents` - :py:class:`xclim.sdba.adjustment.QuantileDeltaMapping` - :py:class:`xclim.sdba.adjustment.Scaling` - :py:class:`xclim.sdba.adjustment.LOCI` train_test_split: How to separate train period to calculate the bias and test period to apply bias correction to? For a detailed description, see `Risbey et al. 2021 <>`_: - ``"fair"```: no overlap between ``train`` and ``test`` (recommended). Set either ``train_init`` or ``train_time``. - ``"unfair"``: completely overlapping ``train`` and ``test`` (default). - ``"unfair-cv"```: overlapping ``train`` and ``test`` except for current `init`, which is `left out <>`_ (set ``cv="LOO"``). train_init: Define initializations for training when ``alignment="same_inits/maximize"``. train_time: Define time for training when ``alignment="same_verif"``. cv: Only relevant when ``train_test_split="unfair-cv"``. Defaults to ``False``. - ``True/"LOO"``: Calculate bias by `leaving given initialization out <>`_ - ``False``: include all initializations in the calculation of bias, which is much faster and but yields similar skill with a large N of initializations. **metric_kwargs: passed to ``xclim.sdba`` (including ``group``) or ``XBias_Correction`` Returns: bias removed :py:class:`.HindcastEnsemble`. Example: Skill from raw model output without bias reduction: >>> HindcastEnsemble.verify( ... metric="rmse", comparison="e2o", alignment="maximize", dim="init" ... ) <xarray.Dataset> Dimensions: (lead: 10) Coordinates: * lead (lead) int32 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 skill <U11 'initialized' Data variables: SST (lead) float64 0.08359 0.08141 0.08362 ... 0.1361 0.1552 0.1664 Attributes: prediction_skill_software: climpred skill_calculated_by_function: HindcastEnsemble.verify() number_of_initializations: 64 number_of_members: 10 alignment: maximize metric: rmse comparison: e2o dim: init reference: [] Note that this HindcastEnsemble is already bias reduced, therefore ``train_test_split="unfair"`` has hardly any effect. Use all initializations to calculate bias and verify skill: >>> HindcastEnsemble.remove_bias( ... alignment="maximize", how="additive_mean", test_train_split="unfair" ... ).verify( ... metric="rmse", comparison="e2o", alignment="maximize", dim="init" ... ) <xarray.Dataset> Dimensions: (lead: 10) Coordinates: * lead (lead) int32 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 skill <U11 'initialized' Data variables: SST (lead) float64 0.08349 0.08039 0.07522 ... 0.07305 0.08107 0.08255 Attributes: prediction_skill_software: climpred skill_calculated_by_function: HindcastEnsemble.verify() number_of_initializations: 64 number_of_members: 10 alignment: maximize metric: rmse comparison: e2o dim: init reference: [] Separate initializations 1954 - 1980 to calculate bias. Note that this HindcastEnsemble is already bias reduced, therefore ``train_test_split="fair"`` worsens skill here. Generally, ``train_test_split="fair"`` is recommended to use for a fair comparison against real-time forecasts. >>> HindcastEnsemble.remove_bias( ... alignment="maximize", ... how="additive_mean", ... train_test_split="fair", ... train_init=slice("1954", "1980"), ... ).verify( ... metric="rmse", comparison="e2o", alignment="maximize", dim="init" ... ) <xarray.Dataset> Dimensions: (lead: 10) Coordinates: * lead (lead) int32 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 skill <U11 'initialized' Data variables: SST (lead) float64 0.132 0.1085 0.08722 ... 0.08209 0.08969 0.08732 Attributes: prediction_skill_software: climpred skill_calculated_by_function: HindcastEnsemble.verify() number_of_initializations: 37 number_of_members: 10 alignment: maximize metric: rmse comparison: e2o dim: init reference: [] Wrapping methods ``how`` from `xclim <>`_ and providing ``group`` for ``groupby``: >>> HindcastEnsemble.remove_bias( ... alignment="same_init", ... group="init", ... how="DetrendedQuantileMapping", ... train_test_split="unfair", ... ).verify( ... metric="rmse", comparison="e2o", alignment="maximize", dim="init" ... ) <xarray.Dataset> Dimensions: (lead: 10) Coordinates: * lead (lead) int32 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 skill <U11 'initialized' Data variables: SST (lead) float64 0.09841 0.09758 0.08238 ... 0.0771 0.08119 0.08322 Attributes: prediction_skill_software: climpred skill_calculated_by_function: HindcastEnsemble.verify() number_of_initializations: 52 number_of_members: 10 alignment: maximize metric: rmse comparison: e2o dim: init reference: [] Wrapping methods ``how`` from `bias_correction <>`_: >>> HindcastEnsemble.remove_bias( ... alignment="same_init", ... how="modified_quantile", ... train_test_split="unfair", ... ).verify( ... metric="rmse", comparison="e2o", alignment="maximize", dim="init" ... ) <xarray.Dataset> Dimensions: (lead: 10) Coordinates: * lead (lead) int32 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 skill <U11 'initialized' Data variables: SST (lead) float64 0.07628 0.08293 0.08169 ... 0.1577 0.1821 0.2087 Attributes: prediction_skill_software: climpred skill_calculated_by_function: HindcastEnsemble.verify() number_of_initializations: 52 number_of_members: 10 alignment: maximize metric: rmse comparison: e2o dim: init reference: [] """ # noqa: E501 if train_test_split not in BIAS_CORRECTION_TRAIN_TEST_SPLIT_METHODS: raise NotImplementedError( f"train_test_split='{train_test_split}' not implemented. Please choose " f"`train_test_split` from {BIAS_CORRECTION_TRAIN_TEST_SPLIT_METHODS}, " "see Risbey et al. 2021 " " for description and " " for implementation " "status." ) alignment = _check_valid_alignment(alignment) if train_test_split in ["fair"]: if ( (train_init is None) or not isinstance(train_init, (slice, xr.DataArray)) ) and (alignment in ["same_inits", "maximize"]): raise ValueError( f'When alignment="{alignment}", please provide `train_init` as ' f"`xr.DataArray`, e.g. " '`HindcastEnsemble.coords["init"].slice(start, end)` ' "or slice, e.g. `slice(start, end)`, got `train_init={train_init}`." ) if ( (train_time is None) or not isinstance(train_time, (slice, xr.DataArray)) ) and (alignment in ["same_verif"]): raise ValueError( f'When alignment="{alignment}", please provide `train_time` as ' "`xr.DataArray`, e.g. " '`HindcastEnsemble.coords["time"].slice(start, end)` ' "or slice, e.g. `slice(start, end)`, got `train_time={train_time}`." ) if isinstance(train_init, slice): train_init = self.coords["init"].sel(init=train_init) if isinstance(train_time, slice): train_time = self.coords["time"].sel(time=train_time) if how == "mean": how = "additive_mean" # backwards compatibility if how in ["additive_mean", "multiplicative_mean", "multiplicative_std"]: func = gaussian_bias_removal elif how in BIAS_CORRECTION_BIAS_CORRECTION_METHODS: func = bias_correction elif how in XCLIM_BIAS_CORRECTION_METHODS: func = xclim_sdba else: raise NotImplementedError( f"bias removal '{how}' is not implemented, please choose from " f" {INTERNAL_BIAS_CORRECTION_METHODS+BIAS_CORRECTION_BIAS_CORRECTION_METHODS}." # noqa: E501 ) if train_test_split in ["unfair-cv"]: if cv not in [True, "LOO"]: raise ValueError( f"Please provide cross-validation keyword `cv='LOO'` when using " f"`train_test_split='unfair-cv'`, found `cv='{cv}'`." ) else: cv = "LOO" # backward compatibility if cv not in CROSS_VALIDATE_METHODS: raise NotImplementedError( f"Cross validation method {cv} not implemented. " f"Please choose cv from {CROSS_VALIDATE_METHODS}." ) metric_kwargs["cv"] = cv old_coords = self.get_initialized().coords self = func( self, alignment=alignment, how=how, train_test_split=train_test_split, train_init=train_init, train_time=train_time, **metric_kwargs, ) # TODO: find better location to prevent valid_time with member dims if "valid_time" in self._datasets["initialized"].coords: if "member" in self._datasets["initialized"].coords["valid_time"].dims: self._datasets["initialized"].coords["valid_time"] = ( self._datasets["initialized"] .coords["valid_time"] .isel(member=0, drop=True) ) # to avoid ValueError: conflicting sizes for dimension 'time': length 1 on the # data but length n on coordinate 'time' if "valid_time" in self.get_initialized().coords: if self.get_initialized().coords["valid_time"].isnull().any(): self._datasets["initialized"] = self._datasets["initialized"].dropna( "init" ) # avoid single-item lead dimension being dropped, see #771 for c in ["lead", "init"]: if c not in self.get_initialized().dims and c in old_coords: if old_coords[c].size == 1: self._datasets["initialized"] = self._datasets[ "initialized" ].assign_coords({c: old_coords[c]}) if "valid_time" in self.get_initialized().coords: if len(self.get_initialized().coords["valid_time"].dims) == 1 and set( ["init", "lead"] ).issubset(set(self.get_initialized().dims)): self._datasets["initialized"].coords[ "valid_time" ] = add_time_from_init_lead( self.get_initialized().drop("valid_time") ).coords[ "valid_time" ] return self