
PredictionEnsemble.plot(variable: Optional[str] = None, ax: Optional[Any] = None, show_members: bool = False, cmap: Optional[str] = None, x: str = 'time') plt.Axes[source]

Plot datasets from PredictionEnsemble.

Wraps or

  • variablevariable to show. Defaults to first in data_vars.

  • ax – Axis to use in plotting. By default, creates a new axis.

  • show_members – whether to display all members individually. Defaults to False.

  • cmap – Name of matplotlib-recognized colorbar. Defaults to viridis for HindcastEnsemble and tab10 for PerfectModelEnsemble.

  • x – Name of x-axis. Use time to show observations and hindcasts in real time. Use init to see hindcasts as initializations. For x=init only initialized is shown and only works for HindcastEnsemble.


Alternatively inspect initialized datasets by PredictionEnsemble.get_initialized()[v].plot.line(x=time) to see validtime on x-axis or PredictionEnsemble.get_initialized()[v].plot.line(x=init) to see init on x-axis.


ax – plt.axes