Source code for climpred.reference

"""Reference forecasts: climatology, persistence, uninitialized."""

import warnings
from typing import Any, Dict, List, Optional, Tuple, Union

import pandas as pd
import xarray as xr

from .alignment import return_inits_and_verif_dates
from .checks import has_valid_lead_units
from .comparisons import (
from .constants import M2M_MEMBER_DIM
from .metrics import (
from .options import OPTIONS
from .utils import (

metricType = Union[str, Metric]
comparisonType = Union[str, Comparison]
dimType = Optional[Union[str, List[str]]]
alignmentType = str
metric_kwargsType = Optional[Any]

def _maybe_seasons_to_int(
    ds: Union[xr.Dataset, xr.DataArray]
) -> Union[xr.Dataset, xr.DataArray]:
    """Set season str values or coords to int."""
    seasonal = False
    for season in ["DJF", "MAM", "JJA", "SON"]:
        if season in ds:
            seasonal = True
    if seasonal:
        ds = (
            ds.str.replace("DJF", "1")
            .str.replace("MAM", "2")
            .str.replace("JJA", "3")
            .str.replace("SON", "4")
    elif "season" in ds.coords:  # set season coords to int
        seasonal = False
        for season in ["DJF", "MAM", "JJA", "SON"]:
            if season in ds.coords["season"]:
                seasonal = True
        if seasonal:
            ds.coords["season"] = (
                .str.replace("DJF", "1")
                .str.replace("MAM", "2")
                .str.replace("JJA", "3")
                .str.replace("SON", "4")
    return ds

def persistence(
    verif: xr.Dataset,
    inits: Dict[float, xr.DataArray],
    verif_dates: Dict[float, xr.DataArray],
    lead: float,
) -> Tuple[xr.Dataset, xr.Dataset]:
    """Create forecast, verification tuple at lead for persistence forecast."""
    lforecast = verif.where(verif.time.isin(inits[lead]), drop=True)
    lverif = verif.sel(time=verif_dates[lead])
    return lforecast, lverif

def climatology(
    verif: xr.Dataset,
    inits: Dict[float, xr.DataArray],
    verif_dates: Dict[float, xr.DataArray],
    lead: float,
) -> Tuple[xr.Dataset, xr.Dataset]:
    """Create forecast, verification tuple at lead for climatology forecast."""
    init_lead = inits[lead].copy()
    seasonality_str = OPTIONS["seasonality"]
    if seasonality_str == "weekofyear":
        # convert to datetime for weekofyear operations
        verif = convert_cftime_to_datetime_coords(verif, "time")
        init_lead["time"] = init_lead["time"].to_index().to_datetimeindex()
        init_lead = init_lead["time"]
    climatology_day = verif.groupby(f"time.{seasonality_str}").mean()
    with warnings.catch_warnings():  # ignore numpy warning # noqa: E501
        warnings.simplefilter(action="ignore", category=FutureWarning)
        # enlarge times to get climatology_forecast times
        # this prevents errors if verification.time and hindcast.init are too much apart
        verif_hind_union = xr.DataArray(
            verif.time.to_index().union(init_lead.time.to_index()), dims="time"

        climatology_forecast = (
                    seasonality_str: _maybe_seasons_to_int(
                        getattr(verif_hind_union.time.dt, seasonality_str)  # type: ignore
                method="nearest",  # nearest may be a bit incorrect but doesnt error
        lforecast = climatology_forecast.where(
            climatology_forecast.time.isin(init_lead), drop=True
    lverif = verif.sel(time=verif_dates[lead])
    # convert back to CFTimeIndex if needed
    if isinstance(lforecast["time"].to_index(), pd.DatetimeIndex):
        lforecast = convert_time_index(lforecast, "time")
    if isinstance(lverif["time"].to_index(), pd.DatetimeIndex):
        lverif = convert_time_index(lverif, "time")
    return lforecast, lverif

def uninitialized(
    hist: xr.Dataset,
    verif: xr.Dataset,
    verif_dates: Dict[float, xr.DataArray],
    lead: float,
) -> Tuple[xr.Dataset, xr.Dataset]:
    Create forecast, verification tuple at lead for uninitialized forecast.

    Uninitialized forecast uses a simulation without any initialization
    (assimilation/nudging). Also called historical in some communities.
    lforecast = hist.sel(time=verif_dates[lead])
    lverif = verif.sel(time=verif_dates[lead])
    return lforecast, lverif

# needed for PerfectModelEnsemble.verify(reference=...) and PredictionEnsemble.bootstrap
# TODO: should be refactored for better non-functional use within verify and bootstrap

def _adapt_member_for_reference_forecast(lforecast, lverif, metric, comparison, dim):
    Maybe drop member from dim or add single-member dimension.

    Used in reference forecasts: climatology, uninitialized, persistence.
    # persistence or climatology forecasts wont have member dimension, create if
    # required
    # some metrics dont allow member dimension, remove and try mean
    # delete member from dim if needed
    if "member" in dim:
        if (
            "member" in lforecast.dims
            and "member" not in lverif.dims
            and not metric.requires_member_dim
            dim = dim.copy()
        elif "member" not in lforecast.dims and "member" not in lverif.dims:
            dim = dim.copy()
    # for probabilistic metrics requiring member dim, add single-member dimension
    if metric.requires_member_dim:
        if "member" not in lforecast.dims:
            lforecast = lforecast.expand_dims("member")  # add fake member dim
            if "member" not in dim:
                dim = dim.copy()
        assert "member" in lforecast.dims and "member" not in lverif.dims
    # member not required by metric and not in dim but present in forecast
    if not metric.requires_member_dim:
        if "member" in lforecast.dims and "member" not in dim:
            lforecast = lforecast.mean("member")
    # multi member comparisons expect member dim
    if ( in ["m2o", "m2m", "m2c", "m2e"]
        and "member" not in lforecast.dims
        and metric.requires_member_dim
        lforecast = lforecast.expand_dims("member")  # add fake member dim
    return lforecast, dim

[docs]def compute_climatology( initialized, verif=None, metric="pearson_r", comparison="m2e", alignment="same_inits", dim="init", **metric_kwargs, ): """Compute the skill of a climatology forecast. Args: initialized: The initialized ensemble. verif: control data, not needed metric: Metric name to apply at each lag for the persistence computation. Default: 'pearson_r' dim: dimension to apply metric over. ** metric_kwargs: additional keywords to be passed to metric (see the arguments required for a given metric in :ref:`Metrics`). Returns: clim: Results of climatology forecast with the input metric applied. """ seasonality_str = OPTIONS["seasonality"] if isinstance(dim, str): dim = [dim] has_valid_lead_units(initialized) # get metric/comparison function name, not the alias if isinstance(metric, str): metric = METRIC_ALIASES.get(metric, metric) metric = get_metric_class(metric, ALL_METRICS) if isinstance(comparison, str): comparison = COMPARISON_ALIASES.get(comparison, comparison) comparison = get_comparison_class(comparison, ALL_COMPARISONS) if "iteration" in initialized.dims: initialized = initialized.isel(iteration=0, drop=True) if comparison.hindcast: kind = "hindcast" else: kind = "perfect" if kind == "perfect": forecast, verif = comparison.function(initialized, metric=metric) climatology_day = verif.groupby(f"init.{seasonality_str}").mean() else: forecast, verif = comparison.function(initialized, verif, metric=metric) climatology_day = verif.groupby(f"time.{seasonality_str}").mean() climatology_day_forecast = climatology_day.sel( {seasonality_str: getattr(forecast.init.dt, seasonality_str)}, method="nearest" ).drop_vars(seasonality_str) if kind == "hindcast": climatology_day_forecast = climatology_day_forecast.rename({"init": "time"}) dim = _rename_dim(dim, climatology_day_forecast, verif) if metric.normalize: metric_kwargs["comparison"] = __e2c climatology_day_forecast, dim = _adapt_member_for_reference_forecast( climatology_day_forecast, verif, metric, comparison, dim ) clim_skill = metric.function( climatology_day_forecast, verif, dim=dim, **metric_kwargs ) if M2M_MEMBER_DIM in clim_skill.dims: clim_skill = clim_skill.mean(M2M_MEMBER_DIM) return clim_skill
[docs]def compute_persistence( initialized: xr.Dataset, verif: xr.Dataset, metric: metricType = "acc", comparison: comparisonType = "m2o", dim: dimType = "init", alignment: alignmentType = "same_verifs", **metric_kwargs: Any, ) -> xr.Dataset: """Compute the skill of a persistence forecast from a simulation. This function unlike :py:func:`~climpred.reference.compute_persistence_from_first_lead` is not sensitive to ``comparison``. Requires ``climpred.set_options(PerfectModel_persistence_from_initialized_lead_0=False)``. Args: initialized: The initialized ensemble. verif: Verification data. metric: Metric name to apply at each lag for the persistence computation. Default: ``"pearson_r"``. alignment: which inits or verification times should be aligned? - ``"maximize"``: maximize the degrees of freedom by slicing ``initialized`` and ``verif`` to a common time frame at each lead. - ``"same_inits"``: slice to a common init frame prior to computing metric. This philosophy follows the thought that each lead should be based on the same set of initializations. - ``"same_verif"``: slice to a common/consistent verification time frame prior to computing metric. This philosophy follows the thought that each lead should be based on the same set of verification dates. dim: dimension to apply metric over. ** metric_kwargs: additional keywords to be passed to metric (see the arguments required for a given metric in :ref:`Metrics`). Returns: pers: Results of persistence forecast with the input metric applied. Reference: * Chapter 8 (Short-Term Climate Prediction) in Van den Dool, Huug. Empirical methods in short-term climate prediction. Oxford University Press, 2007. See also: * :py:func:`~climpred.reference.compute_persistence_from_first_lead` """ if isinstance(dim, str): dim = [dim] # Check that init is int, cftime, or datetime; convert ints or cftime to datetime. initialized = convert_time_index(initialized, "init", "initialized[init]") verif = convert_time_index(verif, "time", "verif[time]") # Put this after `convert_time_index` since it assigns 'years' attribute if the # `init` dimension is a `float` or `int`. has_valid_lead_units(initialized) # get metric/comparison function name, not the alias if isinstance(metric, str): metric = METRIC_ALIASES.get(metric, metric) metric = get_metric_class(metric, ALL_METRICS) if isinstance(comparison, str): comparison = COMPARISON_ALIASES.get(comparison, comparison) comparison = get_comparison_class(comparison, ALL_COMPARISONS) # If lead 0, need to make modifications to get proper persistence, since persistence # at lead 0 is == 1. if [0] in initialized.lead.values: initialized = initialized.copy() with xr.set_options(keep_attrs=True): # keeps lead.attrs['units'] initialized["lead"] = initialized["lead"] + 1 n, freq = get_lead_cftime_shift_args(initialized.lead.attrs["units"], 1) # Shift backwards shift for lead zero. initialized["init"] = shift_cftime_index(initialized, "init", -1 * n, freq) # temporarily change `init` to `time` for comparison to verification data time. initialized = initialized.rename({"init": "time"}) inits, verif_dates = return_inits_and_verif_dates( initialized, verif, alignment=alignment ) if metric.normalize: metric_kwargs["comparison"] = __e2c dim = _rename_dim(dim, initialized, verif) plag = [] for i in initialized.lead.values: lforecast = verif.sel(time=inits[i]) lverif = verif.sel(time=verif_dates[i]) lforecast, dim = _adapt_member_for_reference_forecast( lforecast, lverif, metric, comparison, dim ) lverif["time"] = lforecast["time"] # comparison expected for normalized metrics plag.append(metric.function(lforecast, lverif, dim=dim, **metric_kwargs)) pers = xr.concat(plag, "lead") if "time" in pers: pers = pers.dropna(dim="time").rename({"time": "init"}) pers["lead"] = initialized.lead.values return pers
[docs]def compute_persistence_from_first_lead( initialized: xr.Dataset, verif: Optional[xr.Dataset] = None, metric: metricType = "pearson_r", alignment: alignmentType = "same_inits", dim: dimType = "init", comparison: comparisonType = "m2e", **metric_kwargs: metric_kwargsType, ): """Compute persistence skill based on first ``lead`` in ``initialized``. This function unlike :py:func:`~climpred.reference.compute_persistence` is sensitive to ``comparison``. Requires ``climpred.set_options(PerfectModel_persistence_from_initialized_lead_0=True)``. Args: initialized: The initialized ensemble. verif: Verification data. Not used. metric: Metric name to apply at each lag for the persistence computation. Default: 'pearson_r' alignment: which inits or verification times should be aligned? - ``maximize``: maximize the degrees of freedom by slicing ``initialized`` and ``verif`` to a common time frame at each lead. - ``same_inits``: slice to a common ``init`` frame prior to computing metric. This philosophy follows the thought that each lead should be based on the same set of initializations. - ``same_verif``: slice to a common/consistent verification time frame prior to computing metric. This philosophy follows the thought that each lead should be based on the same set of verification dates. dim: dimension to apply metric over. ** metric_kwargs: additional keywords to be passed to metric (see the arguments required for a given metric in :ref:`Metrics`). Returns: pers: Results of persistence forecast with the input metric applied. Example: >>> with climpred.set_options( ... PerfectModel_persistence_from_initialized_lead_0=True ... ): ... PerfectModelEnsemble.verify( ... metric="mse", ... comparison="m2e", ... dim=["init", "member"], ... reference="persistence", ... ).sel( ... skill="persistence" ... ) # persistence sensitive to comparison <xarray.Dataset> Dimensions: (lead: 20) Coordinates: * lead (lead) int64 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 skill <U11 'persistence' Data variables: tos (lead) float32 0.01056 0.01962 0.02925 ... 0.08033 0.08731 0.07578 Attributes: prediction_skill_software: climpred https://clim... skill_calculated_by_function: PerfectModelEnsemble.... number_of_initializations: 12 number_of_members: 10 metric: mse comparison: m2e dim: ['init', 'member'] reference: ['persistence'] PerfectModel_persistence_from_initialized_lead_0: True >>> with climpred.set_options( ... PerfectModel_persistence_from_initialized_lead_0=False ... ): ... PerfectModelEnsemble.verify( ... metric="mse", ... comparison="m2e", ... dim=["init", "member"], ... reference="persistence", ... ).sel( ... skill="persistence" ... ) # persistence not sensitive to comparison <xarray.Dataset> Dimensions: (lead: 20) Coordinates: * lead (lead) int64 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 skill <U11 'persistence' Data variables: tos (lead) float32 0.02794 0.04554 0.08024 ... 0.06327 0.09077 0.05898 Attributes: prediction_skill_software: climpred https://clim... skill_calculated_by_function: PerfectModelEnsemble.... number_of_initializations: 12 number_of_members: 10 metric: mse comparison: m2e dim: ['init', 'member'] reference: ['persistence'] PerfectModel_persistence_from_initialized_lead_0: False Reference: * Chapter 8 (Short-Term Climate Prediction) in Van den Dool, Huug. Empirical methods in short-term climate prediction. Oxford University Press, 2007. See also: * :py:func:`~climpred.reference.compute_persistence` """ if isinstance(dim, str): dim = [dim] # Check that init is int, cftime, or datetime; convert ints or cftime to datetime. initialized = convert_time_index(initialized, "init", "initialized[init]") has_valid_lead_units(initialized) # get metric/comparison function name, not the alias if isinstance(metric, str): metric = METRIC_ALIASES.get(metric, metric) metric = get_metric_class(metric, ALL_METRICS) if isinstance(comparison, str): comparison = COMPARISON_ALIASES.get(comparison, comparison) comparison = get_comparison_class(comparison, ALL_COMPARISONS) forecast, observations = comparison.function(initialized, metric=metric) # type: ignore forecast, dim = _adapt_member_for_reference_forecast( forecast, observations, metric, comparison, dim ) # persistence is forecast lead 0 persistence_skill = metric.function( forecast.isel(lead=0, drop=True), observations, dim=dim, **metric_kwargs ) persistence_skill["lead"] = persistence_skill.lead.values return persistence_skill
[docs]def compute_uninitialized( initialized: xr.Dataset, uninit: xr.Dataset, verif: xr.Dataset, metric: metricType = "pearson_r", comparison: comparisonType = "e2o", dim: dimType = "time", alignment: alignmentType = "same_verifs", **metric_kwargs: metric_kwargsType, ): """Verify an uninitialized ensemble against verification data. .. note:: Based on Decadal Prediction protocol, this should only be computed for the first lag and then projected out to any further lags being analyzed. Args: initialized: Initialized ensemble. uninit: Uninitialized ensemble. verif: Verification data with some temporal overlap with the uninitialized ensemble. metric: Metric used in comparing the uninitialized ensemble with the verification data. comparison: How to compare the uninitialized ensemble to the verification data: * `"e2o"` : ensemble mean to verification data (Default) * `"m2o"` : each member to the verification data dim: dimension to apply metric over. alignment: which inits or verification times should be aligned? - ``"maximize"``: maximize the degrees of freedom by slicing ``initialized`` and ``verif`` to a common time frame at each lead. - ``"same_inits"``: slice to a common init frame prior to computing metric. This philosophy follows the thought that each lead should be based on the same set of initializations. - ``same_verif``: slice to a common/consistent verification time frame prior to computing metric. This philosophy follows the thought that each lead should be based on the same set of verification dates. ** metric_kwargs: additional keywords to be passed to metric Returns: uninit_skill: Results from comparison at the first lag. """ if isinstance(dim, str): dim = [dim] # Check that init is int, cftime, or datetime; convert ints or cftime to datetime. initialized = convert_time_index(initialized, "init", "initialized[init]") uninit = convert_time_index(uninit, "time", "uninit[time]") verif = convert_time_index(verif, "time", "verif[time]") has_valid_lead_units(initialized) # get metric/comparison function name, not the alias if isinstance(metric, str): metric = METRIC_ALIASES.get(metric, metric) metric = get_metric_class(metric, DETERMINISTIC_HINDCAST_METRICS) if isinstance(comparison, str): comparison = COMPARISON_ALIASES.get(comparison, comparison) comparison = get_comparison_class(comparison, HINDCAST_COMPARISONS) forecast, verif = comparison.function(uninit, verif, metric) initialized = initialized.rename({"init": "time"}) _, verif_dates = return_inits_and_verif_dates( initialized, verif, alignment=alignment ) if metric.normalize: metric_kwargs["comparison"] = comparison plag = [] # TODO: `same_verifs` does not need to go through the loop, since it's a fixed # skill over all leads for i in initialized["lead"].values: # Ensure that the uninitialized reference has all of the # dates for alignment. dates = list(set(forecast["time"].values) & set(verif_dates[i])) lforecast = forecast.sel(time=dates) lverif = verif.sel(time=dates) lforecast, dim = _adapt_member_for_reference_forecast( lforecast, lverif, metric, comparison, dim ) lforecast["time"] = lverif["time"] # comparison expected for normalized metrics plag.append(metric.function(lforecast, lverif, dim=dim, **metric_kwargs)) uninit_skill = xr.concat(plag, "lead") uninit_skill["lead"] = initialized.lead.values return uninit_skill