Source code for climpred.classes

from copy import deepcopy

import numpy as np
import xarray as xr
from IPython.display import display_html
from xarray.core.formatting_html import dataset_repr
from xarray.core.options import OPTIONS as XR_OPTIONS

from .alignment import return_inits_and_verif_dates
from .bias_removal import mean_bias_removal
from .bootstrap import (
from .checks import (
from .constants import CLIMPRED_DIMS, CONCAT_KWARGS
from .exceptions import DimensionError, VariableError
from .graphics import plot_ensemble_perfect_model, plot_lead_timeseries_hindcast
from .prediction import (
from .reference import compute_persistence
from .smoothing import (
from .utils import convert_time_index

def _display_metadata(self):
    This is called in the following case:

    dp = cp.HindcastEnsemble(dple)
    SPACE = "    "
    header = f"<climpred.{type(self).__name__}>"
    summary = header + "\nInitialized Ensemble:\n"
    summary += SPACE + str(self._datasets["initialized"].data_vars)[18:].strip() + "\n"
    if isinstance(self, HindcastEnsemble):
        # Prints out observations and associated variables if they exist.
        # If not, just write "None".
        summary += "Observations:\n"
        if any(self._datasets["observations"]):
            num_obs = len(self._datasets["observations"].data_vars)
            for i in range(1, num_obs + 1):
                summary += (
                    + str(self._datasets["observations"].data_vars)
                    + "\n"
            summary += SPACE + "None\n"
    elif isinstance(self, PerfectModelEnsemble):
        summary += "Control:\n"
        # Prints out control variables if a control is appended. If not,
        # just write "None".
        if any(self._datasets["control"]):
            num_ctrl = len(self._datasets["control"].data_vars)
            for i in range(1, num_ctrl + 1):
                summary += (
                    + str(self._datasets["control"].data_vars).split("\n")[i].strip()
                    + "\n"
            summary += SPACE + "None\n"
    if any(self._datasets["uninitialized"]):
        summary += "Uninitialized:\n"
        summary += SPACE + str(self._datasets["uninitialized"].data_vars)[18:].strip()
        summary += "Uninitialized:\n"
        summary += SPACE + "None"
    return summary

def _display_metadata_html(self):
    header = f"<h4>climpred.{type(self).__name__}</h4>"
    display_html(header, raw=True)
    init_repr_str = dataset_repr(self._datasets["initialized"])
    init_repr_str = init_repr_str.replace("xarray.Dataset", "Initialized Ensemble")
    display_html(init_repr_str, raw=True)

    if isinstance(self, HindcastEnsemble):
        if any(self._datasets["observations"]):
            obs_repr_str = dataset_repr(self._datasets["observations"])
            obs_repr_str = obs_repr_str.replace("xarray.Dataset", "Observations")
            display_html(obs_repr_str, raw=True)
    elif isinstance(self, PerfectModelEnsemble):
        if any(self._datasets["control"]):
            control_repr_str = dataset_repr(self._datasets["control"])
            control_repr_str = control_repr_str.replace(
                "xarray.Dataset", "Control Simulation"
            display_html(control_repr_str, raw=True)

    if any(self._datasets["uninitialized"]):
        uninit_repr_str = dataset_repr(self._datasets["uninitialized"])
        uninit_repr_str = uninit_repr_str.replace("xarray.Dataset", "Uninitialized")
        display_html(uninit_repr_str, raw=True)
    # better would be to aggregate repr_strs and then all return but this fails
    # TypeError: __repr__ returned non-string (type NoneType)
    # workaround return empty string
    return ""

class PredictionEnsemble:
    The main object. This is the super of both `PerfectModelEnsemble` and
    `HindcastEnsemble`. This cannot be called directly by a user, but
    should house functions that both ensemble types can use.

    def __init__(self, xobj):
        if isinstance(xobj, xr.DataArray):
            # makes applying prediction functions easier, etc.
            xobj = xobj.to_dataset()
        has_dims(xobj, ["init", "lead"], "PredictionEnsemble")
        # Check that init is int, cftime, or datetime; convert ints or cftime to
        # datetime.
        xobj = convert_time_index(xobj, "init", "xobj[init]")
        # Put this after `convert_time_index` since it assigns 'years' attribute if the
        # `init` dimension is a `float` or `int`.
        # Add initialized dictionary and reserve sub-dictionary for an uninitialized
        # run.
        self._datasets = {"initialized": xobj, "uninitialized": {}}
        self.kind = "prediction"
        self._temporally_smoothed = None
        self._is_annual_lead = None

    # when you just print it interactively
    def __repr__(self):
        if XR_OPTIONS["display_style"] == "html":
            return _display_metadata_html(self)
            return _display_metadata(self)

[docs] def plot(self, variable=None, ax=None, show_members=False, cmap=None): """Plot datasets from PredictionEnsemble. Args: variable (str or None): `variable` to show. Defaults to first in data_vars. ax (plt.axes): Axis to use in plotting. By default, creates a new axis. show_members (bool): whether to display all members individually. Defaults to False. cmap (str): Name of matplotlib-recognized colorbar. Defaults to `jet` for `HindcastEnsemble` and `tab10` for `PerfectModelEnsemble`. Returns: ax: plt.axes """ if self.kind == "hindcast": if cmap is None: cmap = "jet" return plot_lead_timeseries_hindcast( self, variable=variable, ax=ax, show_members=show_members, cmap=cmap ) elif self.kind == "perfect": if cmap is None: cmap = "tab10" return plot_ensemble_perfect_model( self, variable=variable, ax=ax, show_members=show_members, cmap=cmap )
def _math(self, other, operator): """Helper function for __add__, __sub__, __mul__, __truediv__. Allows math operations with type: - int - float - np.ndarray - xr.DataArray without new dimensions - xr.Dataset without new dimensions or variables """ assert isinstance(operator, str) def add(a, b): return a + b def sub(a, b): return a - b def mul(a, b): return a * b def div(a, b): return a / b ALLOWED_TYPES_FOR_MATH_OPERATORS = [ int, float, np.ndarray, xr.DataArray, xr.Dataset, type(self), ] OPERATOR_STR = { "add": "+", "sub": "-", "mul": "*", "div": "/", } error_str = f"Cannot use {type(self)} {OPERATOR_STR[operator]} {type(other)}" # catch undefined types for other if not isinstance(other, tuple(ALLOWED_TYPES_FOR_MATH_OPERATORS)): raise TypeError( f"{error_str} because type {type(other)} not supported. " f"Please choose from {ALLOWED_TYPES_FOR_MATH_OPERATORS}." ) # catch other dimensions in other if isinstance(other, tuple([xr.Dataset, xr.DataArray])): if not set(other.dims).issubset(self._datasets["initialized"].dims): raise DimensionError(f"{error_str} containing new dimensions.") # catch xr.Dataset with different data_vars if isinstance(other, xr.Dataset): if list(other.data_vars) != list(self._datasets["initialized"].data_vars): raise VariableError( f"{error_str} with new `data_vars`. Please use {type(self)} " f"{operator} {type(other)} only with same `data_vars`. Found " f"initialized.data_vars = " f' {list(self._datasets["initialized"].data_vars)} vs. ' f"other.data_vars = { list(other.data_vars)}." ) operator = eval(operator) if isinstance(other, PredictionEnsemble): # Create temporary copy to modify to avoid inplace operation. datasets = self._datasets.copy() for dataset in datasets: other_dataset = other._datasets[dataset] # Some pre-allocated entries might be empty, such as 'uninitialized' if self._datasets[dataset]: # Loop through observations if there are multiple if dataset == "observations" and isinstance( self._datasets[dataset], dict ): obs_datasets = self._datasets["observations"].copy() for obs_dataset in obs_datasets: other_obs_dataset = other._datasets["observations"][ obs_dataset ] obs_datasets.update( { obs_dataset: operator( obs_datasets[obs_dataset], other_obs_dataset ) } ) datasets.update({"observations": obs_datasets}) else: if datasets[dataset]: datasets.update( {dataset: operator(datasets[dataset], other_dataset)} ) return self._construct_direct(datasets, kind=self.kind) else: return self._apply_func(operator, other) def __add__(self, other): return self._math(other, operator="add") def __sub__(self, other): return self._math(other, operator="sub") def __mul__(self, other): return self._math(other, operator="mul") def __truediv__(self, other): return self._math(other, operator="div") def __getitem__(self, varlist): """Allows subsetting data variable from PredictionEnsemble as from xr.Dataset. Args: * varlist (list of str, str): list of names or name of data variable(s) to subselect """ if isinstance(varlist, str): varlist = [varlist] if not isinstance(varlist, list): raise ValueError( "Please subset PredictionEnsemble as you would subset an xr.Dataset " "with a list or single string of variable name(s), found " f"{type(varlist)}." ) def sel_vars(ds, varlist): return ds[varlist] return self._apply_func(sel_vars, varlist) def __getattr__(self, name): """Allows for xarray methods to be applied to our prediction objects. Args: * name: Function, e.g., .isel() or .sum(). """ def wrapper(*args, **kwargs): """Applies arbitrary function to all datasets in the PredictionEnsemble object. Got this from: how-to-call-undefined-methods-sequentially-in-python-class """ def _apply_xr_func(v, name, *args, **kwargs): """Handles exceptions in our dictionary comprehension. In other words, this will skip applying the arbitrary function to a sub-dataset if a ValueError is thrown. This specifically targets cases where certain datasets don't have the given dim that's being called. E.g., ``.isel(lead=0)`` should only be applied to the initialized dataset. Reference: * how-to-handle-exceptions-in-a-list-comprehensions """ try: return getattr(v, name)(*args, **kwargs) # ValueError : Cases such as .sum(dim='time'). This doesn't apply # it to the given dataset if the dimension doesn't exist. # KeyError : Cases where a function calls the index of a Dataset. Such # as ds[dim] and the dim doesn't exist as a key. # DimensionError: This accounts for our custom error when applying # some stats functions. except (ValueError, KeyError, DimensionError): return v return self._apply_func(_apply_xr_func, name, *args, **kwargs) return wrapper @classmethod def _construct_direct(cls, datasets, kind): """Shortcut around __init__ for internal use to avoid inplace operations. Pulled from xarrray Dataset class. """ obj = object.__new__(cls) obj._datasets = datasets obj.kind = kind return obj def _apply_func(self, func, *args, **kwargs): """Apply a function to all datasets in a `PredictionEnsemble`.""" # Create temporary copy to modify to avoid inplace operation. datasets = self._datasets.copy() # More explicit than nested dictionary comprehension. for outer_k, outer_v in datasets.items(): # If initialized, control, uninitialized and just a singular # dataset, apply the function directly to it. if isinstance(outer_v, xr.Dataset): datasets.update({outer_k: func(outer_v, *args, **kwargs)}) else: # If a nested dictionary is encountered (i.e., a set of # observations) apply to each individually. # # Similar to the ``add_observations`` method, this only seems to # avoid inplace operations by copying the nested dictionary # separately and then updating the main dictionary. temporary_dataset = self._datasets[outer_k].copy() for inner_k, inner_v in temporary_dataset.items(): temporary_dataset.update({inner_k: func(inner_v, *args, **kwargs)}) datasets.update({outer_k: temporary_dataset}) # Instantiates new object with the modified datasets. return self._construct_direct(datasets, kind=self.kind) def get_initialized(self): """Returns the xarray dataset for the initialized ensemble.""" return self._datasets["initialized"] def get_uninitialized(self): """Returns the xarray dataset for the uninitialized ensemble.""" return self._datasets["uninitialized"] def smooth(self, smooth_kws=None, how="mean", **xesmf_kwargs): """Smooth all entries of PredictionEnsemble in the same manner to be able to still calculate prediction skill afterwards. Args: smooth_kws (dict or str): Dictionary to specify the dims to smooth compatible with :py:func:`~climpred.smoothing.spatial_smoothing_xesmf` or :py:func:`~climpred.smoothing.temporal_smoothing`. Shortcut for Goddard et al. 2013 recommendations: 'goddard2013'. Defaults to None. how (str): how to smooth temporally. From ['mean','sum']. Defaults to 'mean'. **xesmf_kwargs (args): kwargs passed to :py:func:`~climpred.smoothing.spatial_smoothing_xesmf` Examples: >>> PredictionEnsemble.smooth({'lead': 2, 'lat': 5, 'lon': 4'}) >>> PredictionEnsemble.smooth('goddard2013') >>> PredictionEnsemble.smooth({'lon':1, 'lat':1}, method='patch') >>> PredictionEnsemble.smooth({'lead':2}, how='sum') """ if not smooth_kws: return self # get proper smoothing function based on smooth args if isinstance(smooth_kws, str): if "goddard" in smooth_kws: if self._is_annual_lead: smooth_fct = smooth_goddard_2013 tsmooth_kws = {"lead": 4} # default d_lon_lat_kws = {"lon": 5, "lat": 5} # default else: raise ValueError( "`goddard2013` smoothing only available for annual leads." ) else: raise ValueError( 'Please provide from list of available smoothings: \ ["goddard2013"]' ) # TODO: actively searches for lot and lat in dims. Maybe this part of the code # could be more robust in how it finds these two spatial dimensions regardless # of name. Optional work in progress comment. elif isinstance(smooth_kws, dict): non_time_dims = [ dim for dim in smooth_kws.keys() if dim not in ["time", "lead"] ] if len(non_time_dims) > 0: non_time_dims = non_time_dims[0] # goddard when time_dim and lon/lat given if ("lon" in smooth_kws or "lat" in smooth_kws) and ( "lead" in smooth_kws or "time" in smooth_kws ): smooth_fct = smooth_goddard_2013 # separate lon, lat keywords into d_lon_lat_kws d_lon_lat_kws = dict() tsmooth_kws = dict() for c in ["lon", "lat"]: if c in smooth_kws: d_lon_lat_kws[c] = smooth_kws[c] else: tsmooth_kws[c] = smooth_kws[c] # else only one smoothing operation elif "lon" in smooth_kws or "lat" in smooth_kws: smooth_fct = spatial_smoothing_xesmf d_lon_lat_kws = smooth_kws tsmooth_kws = None elif "lead" in smooth_kws or "time" in smooth_kws: smooth_fct = temporal_smoothing d_lon_lat_kws = None tsmooth_kws = smooth_kws else: raise ValueError( 'Please provide kwargs to fulfill functions: \ ["spatial_smoothing_xesmf", "temporal_smoothing"].' ) else: raise ValueError( "Please provide kwargs as dict or str and not", type(smooth_kws) ) self = smooth_fct, tsmooth_kws=tsmooth_kws, d_lon_lat_kws=d_lon_lat_kws, how=how, **xesmf_kwargs, ) if smooth_fct == smooth_goddard_2013 or smooth_fct == temporal_smoothing: self._temporally_smoothed = tsmooth_kws return self
[docs]class PerfectModelEnsemble(PredictionEnsemble): """An object for "perfect model" climate prediction ensembles. `PerfectModelEnsemble` is a sub-class of `PredictionEnsemble`. It tracks the control run used to initialize the ensemble for easy computations, bootstrapping, etc. This object is built on `xarray` and thus requires the input object to be an `xarray` Dataset or DataArray. """
[docs] def __init__(self, xobj): """Create a `PerfectModelEnsemble` object by inputting output from the control run in `xarray` format. Args: xobj (xarray object): decadal prediction ensemble output. Attributes: control: Dictionary of control run associated with the initialized ensemble. uninitialized: Dictionary of uninitialized run that is bootstrapped from the initialized run. """ super().__init__(xobj) # Reserve sub-dictionary for the control simulation. self._datasets.update({"control": {}}) self.kind = "perfect"
def _apply_climpred_function(self, func, input_dict=None, **kwargs): """Helper function to loop through observations and apply an arbitrary climpred function. Args: func (function): climpred function to apply to object. input_dict (dict): dictionary with the following things: * ensemble: initialized or uninitialized ensemble. * control: control dictionary from HindcastEnsemble. * init (bool): True if the initialized ensemble, False if uninitialized. """ ensemble = input_dict["ensemble"] control = input_dict["control"] init = input_dict["init"] init_vars, ctrl_vars = self._vars_to_drop(init=init) ensemble = ensemble.drop_vars(init_vars) if control: control = control.drop_vars(ctrl_vars) return func(ensemble, control, **kwargs) def _vars_to_drop(self, init=True): """Returns list of variables to drop when comparing initialized/uninitialized to a control. This is useful if the two products being compared do not share the same variables. I.e., if the control has ['SST'] and the initialized has ['SST', 'SALT'], this will return a list with ['SALT'] to be dropped from the initialized. Args: init (bool, default True): If `True`, check variables on the initialized. If `False`, check variables on the uninitialized. Returns: Lists of variables to drop from the initialized/uninitialized and control Datasets. """ init_str = "initialized" if init else "uninitialized" init_vars = list(self._datasets[init_str]) # only drop if control present if self._datasets["control"]: ctrl_vars = list(self._datasets["control"]) # Make lists of variables to drop that aren't in common # with one another. init_vars_to_drop = list(set(init_vars) - set(ctrl_vars)) ctrl_vars_to_drop = list(set(ctrl_vars) - set(init_vars)) else: init_vars_to_drop, ctrl_vars_to_drop = [], [] return init_vars_to_drop, ctrl_vars_to_drop
[docs] @is_xarray(1) def add_control(self, xobj): """Add the control run that initialized the climate prediction ensemble. Args: xobj (xarray object): Dataset/DataArray of the control run. """ # NOTE: These should all be decorators. if isinstance(xobj, xr.DataArray): xobj = xobj.to_dataset() match_initialized_dims(self._datasets["initialized"], xobj) match_initialized_vars(self._datasets["initialized"], xobj) # Check that init is int, cftime, or datetime; convert ints or cftime to # datetime. xobj = convert_time_index(xobj, "time", "xobj[init]") # Check that converted/original cftime calendar is the same as the # initialized calendar to avoid any alignment errors. match_calendars(self._datasets["initialized"], xobj, kind2="control") datasets = self._datasets.copy() datasets.update({"control": xobj}) return self._construct_direct(datasets, kind="perfect")
[docs] def generate_uninitialized(self): """Generate an uninitialized ensemble by bootstrapping the initialized prediction ensemble. Returns: Bootstrapped (uninitialized) ensemble as a Dataset. """ has_dataset( self._datasets["control"], "control", "generate an uninitialized ensemble." ) uninit = bootstrap_uninit_pm_ensemble_from_control_cftime( self._datasets["initialized"], self._datasets["control"] ) datasets = self._datasets.copy() datasets.update({"uninitialized": uninit}) return self._construct_direct(datasets, kind="perfect")
[docs] def get_control(self): """Returns the control as an xarray dataset.""" return self._datasets["control"]
[docs] def verify( self, metric=None, comparison=None, dim=None, reference=None, **metric_kwargs, ): """Verify initialized predictions against a configuration of other ensemble members. .. note:: The configuration of the other ensemble members is based off of the ``comparison`` keyword argument. Args: metric (str, :py:class:`~climpred.metrics.Metric`): Metric to apply in the comparison. See `metrics </metrics.html>`_. comparison (str, :py:class:`~climpred.comparisons.Comparison`): How to compare the initialized prediction ensemble with itself, see `comparisons </comparisons.html>`_. dim (str, list of str): Dimension(s) over which to apply ``metric``. ``dim`` is passed on to xskillscore.{metric} and includes xskillscore's ``member_dim``. ``dim`` should contain ``member`` when ``comparison`` is probabilistic but should not contain ``member`` when ``comparison=e2c``. Defaults to ``None`` meaning that all dimensions other than ``lead`` are reduced. reference (str, list of str): Type of reference forecasts with which to verify. One or more of ['persistence', 'uninitialized']. **metric_kwargs (optional): Arguments passed to ``metric``. Returns: Dataset of comparison results with ``skill`` dimension for verification results for the initialized ensemble (``init``) and any reference forecasts verified. """ input_dict = { "ensemble": self._datasets["initialized"], "control": self._datasets["control"] if isinstance(self._datasets["control"], xr.Dataset) else None, "init": True, } result = self._apply_climpred_function( compute_perfect_model, input_dict=input_dict, metric=metric, comparison=comparison, dim=dim, **metric_kwargs, ) if self._temporally_smoothed: result = _reset_temporal_axis(result, self._temporally_smoothed, dim="lead") result["lead"].attrs = self.get_initialized().lead.attrs # compute reference skills if isinstance(reference, str): reference = [reference] if reference: for r in reference: dim_orig = deepcopy(dim) # preserve dim, because ref_compute_kwargs = metric_kwargs.copy() # persistence changes dim ref_compute_kwargs.update({"dim": dim_orig, "metric": metric}) if r != "persistence": ref_compute_kwargs["comparison"] = comparison ref = getattr(self, f"_compute_{r}")(**ref_compute_kwargs) result = xr.concat([result, ref], dim="skill", **CONCAT_KWARGS) result = result.assign_coords(skill=["initialized"] + reference) return result.squeeze()
def _compute_uninitialized( self, metric=None, comparison=None, dim=None, **metric_kwargs ): """Verify the bootstrapped uninitialized run against itself. .. note:: The configuration of the other ensemble members is based off of the ``comparison`` keyword argument. Args: metric (str, :py:class:`~climpred.metrics.Metric`): Metric to apply in the comparison. See `metrics </metrics.html>`_. comparison (str, :py:class:`~climpred.comparisons.Comparison`): How to compare the uninitialized against itself, see `comparisons </comparisons.html>`_. dim (str, list of str): Dimension(s) over which to apply metric. ``dim`` is passed on to xskillscore.{metric} and includes xskillscore's ``member_dim``. ``dim`` should contain ``member`` when ``comparison`` is probabilistic but should not contain ``member`` when ``comparison=e2c``. Defaults to ``None``, meaning that all dimensions other than ``lead`` are reduced. **metric_kwargs (optional): Arguments passed to ``metric``. Returns: Dataset with dimension skill containing initialized and reference skill(s). """ has_dataset( self._datasets["uninitialized"], "uninitialized", "compute an uninitialized metric", ) input_dict = { "ensemble": self._datasets["uninitialized"], "control": self._datasets["control"] if isinstance(self._datasets["control"], xr.Dataset) else None, "init": False, } res = self._apply_climpred_function( compute_perfect_model, input_dict=input_dict, metric=metric, comparison=comparison, dim=dim, **metric_kwargs, ) if self._temporally_smoothed: res = _reset_temporal_axis(res, self._temporally_smoothed, dim="lead") res["lead"].attrs = self.get_initialized().lead.attrs return res def _compute_persistence(self, metric=None, dim=None, **metric_kwargs): """Verify a simple persistence forecast of the control run against itself. Args: metric (str, :py:class:`~climpred.metrics.Metric`): Metric to use when verifying skill of the persistence forecast. See `metrics </metrics.html>`_. dim (str, list of str): Dimension(s) over which to apply metric. ``dim`` is passed on to xskillscore.{metric} and includes xskillscore's ``member_dim``. ``dim`` should contain ``member`` when ``comparison`` is probabilistic but should not contain ``member`` when ``comparison=e2c``. Defaults to ``None``, meaning that all dimensions other than ``lead`` are reduced. **metric_kwargs (optional): Arguments passed to ``metric``. Returns: Dataset of persistence forecast results. Reference: * Chapter 8 (Short-Term Climate Prediction) in Van den Dool, Huug. Empirical methods in short-term climate prediction. Oxford University Press, 2007. """ has_dataset( self._datasets["control"], "control", "compute a persistence forecast" ) input_dict = { "ensemble": self._datasets["initialized"], "control": self._datasets["control"], "init": True, } if dim is None: dim = list(self._datasets["initialized"].dims) for d in ["member", "lead"]: if d in dim: dim.remove(d) res = self._apply_climpred_function( compute_persistence, input_dict=input_dict, metric=metric, alignment="same_inits", dim=dim, **metric_kwargs, ) if self._temporally_smoothed: res = _reset_temporal_axis(res, self._temporally_smoothed, dim="lead") res["lead"].attrs = self.get_initialized().lead.attrs return res
[docs] def bootstrap( self, metric=None, comparison=None, dim=None, reference=None, iterations=None, sig=95, pers_sig=None, **metric_kwargs, ): """Bootstrap with replacement according to Goddard et al. 2013. Args: metric (str, :py:class:`~climpred.metrics.Metric`): Metric to verify bootstrapped skill, see `metrics </metrics.html>`_. comparison (str, :py:class:`~climpred.comparisons.Comparison`): Comparison passed to verify, see `comparisons </comparisons.html>`_. dim (str, list of str): Dimension(s) over which to apply metric. ``dim`` is passed on to xskillscore.{metric} and includes xskillscore's ``member_dim``. ``dim`` should contain ``member`` when ``comparison`` is probabilistic but should not contain ``member`` when ``comparison=e2c``. Defaults to ``None`` meaning that all dimensions other than ``lead`` are reduced. reference (str, list of str): Type of reference forecasts with which to verify. One or more of ['persistence', 'uninitialized']. If None or empty, returns no p value. iterations (int): Number of resampling iterations for bootstrapping with replacement. Recommended >= 500. sig (int, default 95): Significance level in percent for deciding whether uninitialized and persistence beat initialized skill. pers_sig (int): If not ``None``, the separate significance level for persistence. Defaults to ``None``, or the same significance as ``sig``. **metric_kwargs (optional): arguments passed to ``metric``. Returns: xr.Datasets: with dimensions ``result`` (holding ``verify skill``, ``p``, ``low_ci`` and ``high_ci``) and ``skill`` (holding ``initialized``, ``persistence`` and/or ``uninitialized``): * result='verify skill', skill='initialized': mean initialized skill * result='high_ci', skill='initialized': high confidence interval boundary for initialized skill * result='p', skill='uninitialized': p value of the hypothesis that the difference of skill between the initialized and uninitialized simulations is smaller or equal to zero based on bootstrapping with replacement. * result='p', skill='persistence': p value of the hypothesis that the difference of skill between the initialized and persistenceistence simulations is smaller or equal to zero based on bootstrapping with replacement. Reference: * Goddard, L., A. Kumar, A. Solomon, D. Smith, G. Boer, P. Gonzalez, V. Kharin, et al. “A Verification Framework for Interannual-to-Decadal Predictions Experiments.” Climate Dynamics 40, no. 1–2 (January 1, 2013): 245–72. """ if iterations is None: raise ValueError("Designate number of bootstrapping `iterations`.") has_dataset(self._datasets["control"], "control", "iteration") input_dict = { "ensemble": self._datasets["initialized"], "control": self._datasets["control"], "init": True, } return self._apply_climpred_function( bootstrap_perfect_model, input_dict=input_dict, metric=metric, comparison=comparison, dim=dim, reference=reference, sig=sig, iterations=iterations, pers_sig=pers_sig, **metric_kwargs, )
[docs]class HindcastEnsemble(PredictionEnsemble): """An object for climate prediction ensembles initialized by a data-like product. `HindcastEnsemble` is a sub-class of `PredictionEnsemble`. It tracks a single verification dataset (i.e., observations) associated with the hindcast ensemble for easy computation across multiple variables. This object is built on `xarray` and thus requires the input object to be an `xarray` Dataset or DataArray. """
[docs] def __init__(self, xobj): """Create a `HindcastEnsemble` object by inputting output from a prediction ensemble in `xarray` format. Args: xobj (xarray object): decadal prediction ensemble output. Attributes: observations: Dictionary of verification data to associate with the decadal prediction ensemble. uninitialized: Dictionary of companion (or bootstrapped) uninitialized ensemble run. """ super().__init__(xobj) self._datasets.update({"observations": {}}) self.kind = "hindcast"
def _apply_climpred_function(self, func, init, **kwargs): """Helper function to loop through verification data and apply an arbitrary climpred function. Args: func (function): climpred function to apply to object. init (bool): Whether or not it's the initialized ensemble. """ hind = self._datasets["initialized"] verif = self._datasets["observations"] drop_init, drop_obs = self._vars_to_drop(init=init) return func(hind.drop_vars(drop_init), verif.drop_vars(drop_obs), **kwargs) def _vars_to_drop(self, init=True): """Returns list of variables to drop when comparing initialized/uninitialized to observations. This is useful if the two products being compared do not share the same variables. I.e., if the observations have ['SST'] and the initialized has ['SST', 'SALT'], this will return a list with ['SALT'] to be dropped from the initialized. Args: init (bool, default True): If ``True``, check variables on the initialized. If ``False``, check variables on the uninitialized. Returns: Lists of variables to drop from the initialized/uninitialized and observational Datasets. """ if init: init_vars = [var for var in self._datasets["initialized"].data_vars] else: init_vars = [var for var in self._datasets["uninitialized"].data_vars] obs_vars = [var for var in self._datasets["observations"].data_vars] # Make lists of variables to drop that aren't in common # with one another. init_vars_to_drop = list(set(init_vars) - set(obs_vars)) obs_vars_to_drop = list(set(obs_vars) - set(init_vars)) return init_vars_to_drop, obs_vars_to_drop
[docs] @is_xarray(1) def add_observations(self, xobj): """Add verification data against which to verify the initialized ensemble. Args: xobj (xarray object): Dataset/DataArray to append to the ``HindcastEnsemble`` object. """ if isinstance(xobj, xr.DataArray): xobj = xobj.to_dataset() match_initialized_dims(self._datasets["initialized"], xobj) match_initialized_vars(self._datasets["initialized"], xobj) # Check that time is int, cftime, or datetime; convert ints or cftime to # datetime. xobj = convert_time_index(xobj, "time", "xobj[init]") # Check that converted/original cftime calendar is the same as the # initialized calendar to avoid any alignment errors. match_calendars(self._datasets["initialized"], xobj) datasets = self._datasets.copy() datasets.update({"observations": xobj}) return self._construct_direct(datasets, kind="hindcast")
[docs] @is_xarray(1) def add_uninitialized(self, xobj): """Add a companion uninitialized ensemble for comparison to verification data. Args: xobj (xarray object): Dataset/DataArray of the uninitialzed ensemble. """ if isinstance(xobj, xr.DataArray): xobj = xobj.to_dataset() match_initialized_dims(self._datasets["initialized"], xobj, uninitialized=True) match_initialized_vars(self._datasets["initialized"], xobj) # Check that init is int, cftime, or datetime; convert ints or cftime to # datetime. xobj = convert_time_index(xobj, "time", "xobj[init]") # Check that converted/original cftime calendar is the same as the # initialized calendar to avoid any alignment errors. match_calendars(self._datasets["initialized"], xobj, kind2="uninitialized") datasets = self._datasets.copy() datasets.update({"uninitialized": xobj}) return self._construct_direct(datasets, kind="hindcast")
[docs] def get_observations(self): """Returns xarray Datasets of the observations/verification data. Returns: ``xarray`` Dataset of observations. """ return self._datasets["observations"]
[docs] def verify( self, reference=None, metric=None, comparison=None, dim=None, alignment=None, **metric_kwargs, ): """Verifies the initialized ensemble against observations. .. note:: This will automatically verify against all shared variables between the initialized ensemble and observations/verification data. Args: reference (str): Type of reference forecasts to also verify against the observations. Choose one or more of ['uninitialized', 'persistence']. Defaults to None. metric (str, :py:class:`~climpred.metrics.Metric`): Metric to apply for verification. see `metrics </metrics.html>`_. comparison (str, :py:class:`~climpred.comparisons.Comparison`): How to compare to the observations/verification data. See `comparisons </comparisons.html>`_. dim (str, list of str): Dimension(s) to apply metric over. ``dim`` is passed on to xskillscore.{metric} and includes xskillscore's ``member_dim``. ``dim`` should contain ``member`` when ``comparison`` is probabilistic but should not contain ``member`` when ``comparison=e2o``. Defaults to ``None`` meaning that all dimensions other than ``lead`` are reduced. alignment (str): which inits or verification times should be aligned? - 'maximize': maximize the degrees of freedom by slicing ``hind`` and ``verif`` to a common time frame at each lead. - 'same_inits': slice to a common init frame prior to computing metric. This philosophy follows the thought that each lead should be based on the same set of initializations. - 'same_verif': slice to a common/consistent verification time frame prior to computing metric. This philosophy follows the thought that each lead should be based on the same set of verification dates. **metric_kwargs (optional): arguments passed to ``metric``. Returns: Dataset with dimension skill containing initialized and reference skill(s). """ # Have to do checks here since this doesn't call `compute_hindcast` directly. # Will be refactored when `climpred` migrates to inheritance-based. if dim is None: viable_dims = dict(self._datasets["initialized"].dims) viable_dims = list(viable_dims.keys()) if "lead" in viable_dims: viable_dims.remove("lead") raise ValueError( "Designate a dimension to reduce over when applying the " f"metric. Got {dim}. Choose one or more of {viable_dims}" ) if ("member" in dim) and comparison not in ["m2o", "m2r"]: raise ValueError( "Comparison must equal 'm2o' with dim='member'. " f"Got comparison {comparison}." ) if isinstance(reference, str): reference = [reference] elif reference is None: reference = [] def _verify( hind, verif, hist, reference, metric, comparison, alignment, dim, **metric_kwargs, ): """Interior verify func to be passed to apply func.""" metric, comparison, dim = _get_metric_comparison_dim( hind, metric, comparison, dim, kind=self.kind ) forecast, verif = comparison.function(hind, verif, metric=metric) forecast = forecast.rename({"init": "time"}) inits, verif_dates = return_inits_and_verif_dates( forecast, verif, alignment, reference=reference, hist=hist, ) metric_over_leads = [ _apply_metric_at_given_lead( verif, verif_dates, lead, hind=forecast, hist=hist, inits=inits, # Ensure apply metric function returns skill and not reference # results. reference=None, metric=metric, comparison=comparison, dim=dim, **metric_kwargs, ) for lead in forecast["lead"].data ] result = xr.concat(metric_over_leads, dim="lead", **CONCAT_KWARGS) result["lead"] = forecast["lead"] if reference is not None: if "member" in verif.dims: # if broadcasted before verif = verif.isel(member=0) for r in reference: metric_over_leads = [ _apply_metric_at_given_lead( verif, verif_dates, lead, hind=forecast, hist=hist, inits=inits, reference=r, metric=metric, comparison=comparison, dim=dim, **metric_kwargs, ) for lead in forecast["lead"].data ] ref = xr.concat(metric_over_leads, dim="lead", **CONCAT_KWARGS) ref["lead"] = forecast["lead"] # fix to get no member dim for uninitialized e2o skill #477 if ( r == "uninitialized" and == "e2o" and "member" in ref.dims ): ref = ref.mean("member") result = xr.concat([result, ref], dim="skill", **CONCAT_KWARGS) # rename back to 'init' if "time" in result.dims: result = result.rename({"time": "init"}) # Add dimension/coordinate for different references. result = result.assign_coords(skill=["initialized"] + reference) return result.squeeze() has_dataset( self._datasets["observations"], "observational", "verify a forecast" ) if "uninitialized" in reference: has_dataset( self._datasets["uninitialized"], "uninitialized", "compute an uninitialized reference forecast", ) hist = self._datasets["uninitialized"] else: hist = None res = self._apply_climpred_function( _verify, init=True, metric=metric, comparison=comparison, alignment=alignment, dim=dim, hist=hist, reference=reference, **metric_kwargs, ) if self._temporally_smoothed: # TODO: cleanup if isinstance(res, dict) and not isinstance(res, xr.Dataset): for res_key, res_item in res.items(): res[res_key] = _reset_temporal_axis( res_item, self._temporally_smoothed, dim="lead" ) else: res = _reset_temporal_axis(res, self._temporally_smoothed, dim="lead") res["lead"].attrs = self.get_initialized().lead.attrs return res
[docs] def bootstrap( self, metric=None, comparison=None, dim=None, alignment=None, reference=None, iterations=None, sig=95, resample_dim="member", pers_sig=None, **metric_kwargs, ): """Bootstrap with replacement according to Goddard et al. 2013. Args: metric (str, :py:class:`~climpred.metrics.Metric`): Metric to apply for verification, see `metrics <metrics.html>`_. comparison (str, :py:class:`~climpred.comparisons.Comparison`): How to compare to the observations/verification data, see `comparisons </comparisons.html>`_. dim (str, list of str): dimension(s) to apply metric over. ``dim`` is passed on to xskillscore.{metric} and includes xskillscore's ``member_dim``. ``dim`` should contain ``member`` when ``comparison`` is probabilistic but should not contain ``member`` when ``comparison='e2o'``. Defaults to ``None`` meaning that all dimensions other than ``lead`` are reduced. reference (str, list of str): Type of reference forecasts with which to verify. One or more of ['persistence', 'uninitialized']. If None or empty, returns no p value. alignment (str): which inits or verification times should be aligned? - 'maximize': maximize the degrees of freedom by slicing ``init`` and ``verif`` to a common time frame at each lead. - 'same_inits': slice to a common init frame prior to computing metric. This philosophy follows the thought that each lead should be based on the same set of initializations. - 'same_verif': slice to a common/consistent verification time frame prior to computing metric. This philosophy follows the thought that each lead should be based on the same set of verification dates. iterations (int): Number of resampling iterations for bootstrapping with replacement. Recommended >= 500. sig (int, default 95): Significance level in percent for deciding whether uninitialized and persistence beat initialized skill. resample_dim (str or list): dimension to resample from. default: 'member'. - 'member': select a different set of members from hind - 'init': select a different set of initializations from hind pers_sig (int, default None): If not None, the separate significance level for persistence. **metric_kwargs (optional): arguments passed to ``metric``. Returns: xr.Datasets: with dimensions ``result`` (holding ``skill``, ``p``, ``low_ci`` and ``high_ci``) and ``skill`` (holding ``initialized``, ``persistence`` and/or ``uninitialized``): * result='verify skill', skill='initialized': mean initialized skill * result='high_ci', skill='initialized': high confidence interval boundary for initialized skill * result='p', skill='uninitialized': p value of the hypothesis that the difference of skill between the initialized and uninitialized simulations is smaller or equal to zero based on bootstrapping with replacement. * result='p', skill='persistence': p value of the hypothesis that the difference of skill between the initialized and persistence simulations is smaller or equal to zero based on bootstrapping with replacement. """ if iterations is None: raise ValueError("Designate number of bootstrapping `iterations`.") # TODO: replace with more computationally efficient classes implementation return bootstrap_hindcast( self.get_initialized(), self.get_uninitialized(), self.get_observations(), metric=metric, comparison=comparison, dim=dim, alignment=alignment, reference=reference, resample_dim=resample_dim, sig=sig, iterations=iterations, pers_sig=pers_sig, )
[docs] def remove_bias(self, alignment, how="mean", cross_validate=True, **metric_kwargs): """Calculate and remove bias from :py:class:`~climpred.classes.HindcastEnsemble`. Args: alignment (str): which inits or verification times should be aligned? - 'maximize': maximize the degrees of freedom by slicing ``hind`` and ``verif`` to a common time frame at each lead. - 'same_inits': slice to a common init frame prior to computing metric. This philosophy follows the thought that each lead should be based on the same set of initializations. - 'same_verif': slice to a common/consistent verification time frame prior to computing metric. This philosophy follows the thought that each lead should be based on the same set of verification dates. how (str or list of str): what kind of bias removal to perform. Select from ['mean']. Defaults to 'mean'. cross_validate (bool): Use properly defined mean bias removal function. This excludes the given initialization from the bias calculation. With False, include the given initialization in the calculation, which is much faster and but yields similar skill with a large N of initializations. Defaults to True. metric_kwargs (dict): kwargs to be passed to bias. Returns: HindcastEnsemble: bias removed HindcastEnsemble. """ if isinstance(how, str): how = [how] for h in how: if h == "mean": func = mean_bias_removal else: raise NotImplementedError(f"{h}_bias_removal is not implemented.") self = func( self, alignment=alignment, cross_validate=cross_validate, **metric_kwargs, ) return self