
HindcastEnsemble.verify(name=None, reference=None, metric='pearson_r', comparison='e2o', alignment='same_verifs', dim='init')[source]

Verifies the initialized ensemble against observations/verification data.

This will automatically verify against all shared variables between the initialized ensemble and observations/verification data.

  • name (str) – Short name of observations/verification data to compare to. If None, compare to all observations/verification data.
  • metric (str, default 'pearson_r') – Metric to apply for verification.
  • comparison (str, default 'e2o') – How to compare to the observations/verification data. (‘e2o’ for ensemble mean to observations/verification data. ‘m2o’ for each individual member to observations/verification data).
  • alignment (str) – which inits or verification times should be aligned? - maximize/None: maximize the degrees of freedom by slicing hind and verif to a common time frame at each lead. - same_inits: slice to a common init frame prior to computing metric. This philosophy follows the thought that each lead should be based on the same set of initializations. - same_verif: slice to a common/consistent verification time frame prior to computing metric. This philosophy follows the thought that each lead should be based on the same set of verification dates.

Dataset of comparison results (if comparing to one observational product), or dictionary of Datasets with keys corresponding to observations/verification data short name.