Calculate skill of a MJO Index of S2S models as function of daily lead time

# linting
%load_ext nb_black
%load_ext lab_black
import xarray as xr


import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from climpred import HindcastEnsemble
import climpred
Warning: ecCodes 2.21.0 or higher is recommended. You are running version 2.20.0

IRIDL hosts various subseasonal initialized forecast and hindcast simulations:

Here, we demonstrate how to set a cookie for IRIDL and access the skill of RMM1 subseasonal reforecasts.

Here are instructions for configuring xarray to open protected Data Library datasets, after you have created a Data Library account and accepted the terms and conditions for the dataset. 1. Visit . Log in to the Data Library. Copy the key from the response.

  1. Create a file with the following content, substituting the key from step 1 for "xxxx": Set-Cookie: __dlauth_id=xxxx;

  2. Put the following in ~/.daprc, which is /home/jovyan/.daprc on renku, substituting the path to the above file for /path/to/cookie/file: HTTP.COOKIEJAR=/path/to/cookie/file. You may need to copy .daprc to /home/jovyan on renku, because /home/jovyan is not tracked by git.

!cat ~/.daprc
#%writefile ~/.cookie_iridl
# Set-Cookie: __dlauth_id=xxxx;

Get observations

# pre-computed
obsds = climpred.tutorial.load_dataset("RMM-INTERANN-OBS")[
].to_dataset()  # only until 2017
obsds = obsds.dropna("time").sel(time=slice("1995", None))  # Get rid of missing times.

Get on-the-fly reforecasts

S2S models:

  • ECMF

  • ECCC

  • HMCR

  • KMA

  • UKMO

There are a set of reforecasts of the ECMWF model that match each real time forecast. They are made “on the fly” when a real time forecast is issued. So for S=0000 8 Feb 2021, there are reforecasts initialized on 0000 8 Feb 2020 and the 19 previous years on 8 Feb.

fcstds = xr.open_dataset(
CPU times: user 613 ms, sys: 1.06 s, total: 1.67 s
Wall time: 24.6 s
# calendar '360' not recognized, but '360_day'
if fcstds.hdate.attrs["calendar"] == "360":
    fcstds.hdate.attrs["calendar"] = "360_day"

The S2S data dimensions correspond to the following climpred dimension definitions: M=member, S=init. We will rename the dimensions to their climpred names.

# rename to match climpred dims:
fcstds = fcstds.rename({"S": "init", "L": "lead", "M": "member", "RMM1": "rmm1"})
fcstds = xr.decode_cf(fcstds, use_cftime=True)
  * hdate    (hdate) object 1995-07-01 00:00:00 ... 2020-07-01 00:00:00
  * init     (init) object 2015-05-14 00:00:00 ... 2021-02-15 00:00:00
  * member   (member) float32 0.0 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 8.0 9.0 10.0
  * lead     (lead) timedelta64[ns] 1 days 2 days 3 days ... 45 days 46 days

Skill for a single real-time forecast from corresponding reforecasts

# assessing the skill of the reforecasts done annually from 8 Feb 2001 to 8 Feb 2020
# for the real-time forecast 8 Feb 2021
d = "08"
m = "02"
y = "2021"

<matplotlib.collections.QuadMesh at 0x7ff84ebf9d90>
import cftime

# create a new init coordinate
new_init = xr.concat(
            cftime.DatetimeProlepticGregorian(int(h.dt.year.values), int(m), int(d))
        for h in fcstds.hdate

# select new inits for same dayofyear, drop all NaNs
fcstds_date = (
    fcstds.sel(init=f"{y}-{m}-{d}", drop=True)
    .rename({"hdate": "init"})
    .dropna("init", how="all")
hindcast = HindcastEnsemble(fcstds_date)
hindcast = hindcast.add_observations(obsds)
%time skill = hindcast.verify(metric='acc', comparison='e2o', dim='init', alignment='maximize')
CPU times: user 1.8 s, sys: 24.5 ms, total: 1.82 s
Wall time: 1.99 s
plt.title(f"ACC: RMM1 daily initialized {m}-{d}")
Text(0.5, 1.0, 'ACC: RMM1 daily initialized 02-08')

skill over many initializations

create large xr.DataArray with all hdate stacked into init

# restricting myself to years 2001-2003 for faster computation
fcstds = fcstds.sel(hdate=slice("2001", "2003"))
obs_ds = obsds.sel(time=slice("2001", "2004"))
fcstds_dates = []
# loop over all inits, ignoring leap day
for s in fcstds.init:
    d = str(
    m = str(s.init.dt.month.values).zfill(2)
    y = s.init.dt.year.values
    if d == "29" and m == "02":
    new_init = xr.concat(
                cftime.DatetimeProlepticGregorian(int(h.dt.year.values), int(m), int(d))
            for h in fcstds.hdate
    # select new inits for same dayofyear, drop all NaNs
    fcstds_date = (
        fcstds.sel(init=f"{y}-{m}-{d}", drop=True)
        .rename({"hdate": "init"})
        .dropna("init", how="all")
    if fcstds_date.init.size > 0:  # not empty

fcstds_dates = xr.concat(fcstds_dates, "init")

fcstds_dates = fcstds_dates.sortby(fcstds_dates.init)
CPU times: user 17.4 s, sys: 243 ms, total: 17.7 s
Wall time: 19.7 s
[ ]:
# drop duplicates, unnecessary?
# _, index = np.unique(fcstds_dates.init, return_index=True)
# fcstds_dates = fcstds_dates.isel(init=index)
hindcast = HindcastEnsemble(fcstds_dates)
hindcast = hindcast.add_observations(obs_ds)
%time skill_all = hindcast.verify(metric='acc', comparison='e2o', dim='init', alignment='maximize')

CPU times: user 55.2 s, sys: 576 ms, total: 55.7 s
Wall time: 1min 1s
[<matplotlib.lines.Line2D at 0x7ff81c3af460>]

skill when initialized in different months

import warnings

)  # ignore climpred UserWarnings triggered by verification.sel(init)
for m in np.arange(1, 13, 3):
    hindcast_month = hindcast.sel(init=fcstds_dates.init.dt.month == m)
    month_name = hindcast_month.get_initialized().init[:2].to_index().strftime("%b")[0]
    skill = (
        hindcast_month.verify(metric="acc", comparison="e2o", dim="init", alignment="maximize")
    skill.rmm1.plot(label=f"month = {month_name}")
skill_all.rmm1.plot(label='all months',c='k')
CPU times: user 11.1 s, sys: 124 ms, total: 11.2 s
Wall time: 12.4 s
<matplotlib.legend.Legend at 0x7ff81beeb190>

Get reforecasts without on-the-fly

very similar workflow as in the SubX examples as there is no hdate coordinate: subseasonal SubX examples

S2S models:

  • CRNM

  • CMA

  • BOM

  • ISAC

  • JMA

  • NCEP

fcstds = xr.open_dataset(

fcstds = fcstds.dropna("S", how="all")
CPU times: user 454 ms, sys: 804 ms, total: 1.26 s
Wall time: 21.2 s
# rename to match climpred dims:
fcstds = fcstds.rename({"S": "init", "L": "lead", "M": "member", "RMM1": "rmm1"})
hindcast = HindcastEnsemble(fcstds)
hindcast = hindcast.add_observations(obsds)
%time skill = hindcast.verify(metric='acc', comparison='e2o', dim='init', alignment='maximize')
CPU times: user 54.3 s, sys: 688 ms, total: 55 s
Wall time: 1min 6s
[<matplotlib.lines.Line2D at 0x7ff81bdf5be0>]