Source code for climpred.options

    "seasonality": "dayofyear",
    "warn_for_failed_PredictionEnsemble_xr_call": True,
    "warn_for_rename_to_climpred_dims": True,
    "warn_for_init_coords_int_to_annual": True,
    "climpred_warnings": True,
}  # defaults

_SEASONALITY_OPTIONS = frozenset(["dayofyear", "weekofyear", "month"])

    "seasonality": _SEASONALITY_OPTIONS.__contains__,
    "warn_for_PredictionEnsemble_xr_call": lambda choice: choice
    in [True, False, "default"],
    "warn_for_rename_to_climpred_dims": lambda choice: choice
    in [True, False, "default"],
    "warn_for_init_coords_int_to_annual": lambda choice: choice
    in [True, False, "default"],
    "climpred_warnings": lambda choice: choice in [True, False, "default"],

[docs]class set_options: """Set options for climpred in a controlled context. Analogous to `xarray.set_options(**option) <>`_. Currently supported options: - ``seasonality`` - Attribute to group dimension ``groupby(f"{dim}.{seasonality}"")``. Used in ``reference=climatology`` and :py:meth:`~climpred.classes.HindcastEnsemble.remove_bias`. - Allowed: [``"dayofyear"``, ``"weekofyear"``, ``"month"``, ``"season"``] - Default: ``dayofyear``. - ``warn_for_failed_PredictionEnsemble_xr_call`` - Raise UserWarning when PredictionEnsemble.xr_call, e.g. ``.sel(lead=[1])`` fails on one of the datasets. - Allowed: [True, False] - Default: True - ``warn_for_rename_to_climpred_dims`` - Raise UserWarning when dimensions are renamed to ``CLIMPRED_DIMS`` when PredictionEnsemble is instantiated. - Allowed: [True, False] - Default: True - ``warn_for_init_coords_int_to_annual`` - Raise UserWarning when ``init`` coordinate is of type integer and gets converted to annual cftime_range when PredictionEnsemble is instantiated. - Allowed: [True, False] - Default: True - ``climpred_warnings`` - Overwrites all options containing ``"*warn*"``. - Allowed: [True, False] - Default: True Examples: You can use ``set_options`` either as a context manager: >>> kw = dict(metric='mse', comparison='e2o', dim='init', ... alignment='same_verifs', reference='climatology') >>> with climpred.set_options(seasonality='month'): ... HindcastEnsemble.verify(**kw).SST.sel(skill='climatology') <xarray.DataArray 'SST' (lead: 10)> array([0.03712573, 0.03712573, 0.03712573, 0.03712573, 0.03712573, 0.03712573, 0.03712573, 0.03712573, 0.03712573, 0.03712573]) Coordinates: * lead (lead) int32 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 skill <U11 'climatology' Or to set global options: >>> climpred.set_options(seasonality='month') # doctest: +ELLIPSIS <climpred.options.set_options object at 0x...> """
[docs] def __init__(self, **kwargs): self.old = {} for k, v in kwargs.items(): if k not in OPTIONS: raise ValueError( "argument name %r is not in the set of valid options %r" % (k, set(OPTIONS)) ) if k in _VALIDATORS and not _VALIDATORS[k](v): if k == "seasonality": expected = f"Expected one of {_SEASONALITY_OPTIONS!r}" else: expected = "" raise ValueError( f"option {k!r} given an invalid value: {v!r}. " + expected ) self.old[k] = OPTIONS[k] self._apply_update(kwargs)
def _apply_update(self, options_dict): if ( "climpred_warnings" in options_dict ): # climpred_warnings == False overwrites all warnings options if not options_dict["climpred_warnings"]: for k in [o for o in OPTIONS.keys() if "warn" in o]: options_dict[k] = False OPTIONS.update(options_dict) def __enter__(self): return def __exit__(self, type, value, traceback): self._apply_update(self.old)