Setting up your own output#

This demo demonstrates how you can setup your raw model output with climpred.preprocessing to match climpred’s expectations.

%matplotlib inline
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
import xarray as xr

import climpred
/home/docs/checkouts/ TqdmWarning: IProgress not found. Please update jupyter and ipywidgets. See
  from .autonotebook import tqdm as notebook_tqdm
from climpred.preprocessing.shared import load_hindcast, set_integer_time_axis
from climpred.preprocessing.mpi import get_path

Assuming your raw model output is stored in multiple files per member and initialization, climpred.preprocessing.shared.load_hindcast() is a nice wrapper function based on climpred.preprocessing.mpi.get_path() designed for the output format of MPI-ESM to aggregated all hindcast output into one file as expected by climpred.

The basic idea is to look over the output of all members and concatinate, then loop over all initializations and concatinate. Before concatination, it is important to make the time dimension identical in all input datasets for concatination.

To reduce the data size, use the preprocess function provided to xr.open_mfdataset wisely in combination with climpred.preprocessing.shared.set_integer_axis(), e.g. additionally extracting only a certain region, time-step, time-aggregation or only few variables for a multi-variable input file as in MPI-ESM standard output.

v = "global_primary_production"

def preprocess_1var(ds, v=v):
    """Only leave one variable `v` in dataset """
    return ds[v].to_dataset(name=v).squeeze()
# lead_offset because yearmean output
%time ds = load_hindcast(inits=range(1961, 1965), members=range(1, 3), preprocess=preprocess_1var, get_path=get_path)
Processing init 1961 ...
FileNotFoundError                         Traceback (most recent call last)
File <timed exec>:1

File ~/checkouts/, in load_hindcast(inits, members, preprocess, lead_offset, parallel, engine, get_path, **get_path_kwargs)
     46 member_list = []
     47 for member in members:
     48     # get path p
---> 49     p = get_path(member=member, init=init, **get_path_kwargs)
     50     # open all leads for specified member and init
     51     member_ds = xr.open_mfdataset(
     52         p,
     53         combine="nested",
     60         compat="override",  # speed up
     61     ).squeeze()

File ~/checkouts/, in get_path(dir_base_experiment, member, init, model, output_stream, timestr, ending)
     14 """Get the path of a file for MPI-ESM standard output file names and directory.
     16 Args:
     32 """
     33 # get experiment_id
---> 34 dirs = _os.listdir(dir_base_experiment)
     35 experiment_id = [
     36     x for x in dirs if (f"{init}" in x and "r" + str(member) + "i" in x)
     37 ]
     38 assert len(experiment_id) == 1

FileNotFoundError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/work/bm1124/m300086/CMIP6/experiments'
# what we need for climpred
NameError                                 Traceback (most recent call last)
Cell In [5], line 2
      1 # what we need for climpred
----> 2 ds.coords

NameError: name 'ds' is not defined
Array Chunk
Bytes 320 B 4 B
Shape (4, 2, 10) (1, 1, 1)
Count 720 Tasks 80 Chunks
Type float32 numpy.ndarray
10 2 4
# loading the data into memory
# if not rechunk
%time ds = ds.load()
CPU times: user 216 ms, sys: 44 ms, total: 260 ms
Wall time: 220 ms
# go on with creation of PredictionEnsemble
# climpred.HindcastEnsemble(ds).add_observations(obs).verify(metric='acc', comparison='e2o', dim='init', alignment='maximize')
# climpred.PerfectModelEnsemble(ds).add_control(control).verify(metric='acc', comparison='m2e', dim=['init','member'])

intake-esm for cmorized output#

In case you have access to cmorized output of CMIP experiments, consider using intake-esm <>_. With climpred.preprocessing.shared.set_integer_time_axis() you can align the time dimension of all input files. Finally, climpred.preprocessing.shared.rename_to_climpred_dims() only renames.

from climpred.preprocessing.shared import rename_to_climpred_dims, set_integer_time_axis
# make to have to install intake-esm installed, which is not included in climpred-dev
import intake # this is enough for intake-esm to work
col_url = "/home/mpim/m300524/intake-esm-datastore/catalogs/mistral-cmip6.json"
col_url = ""
col = intake.open_esm_datastore(col_url)
Index(['activity_id', 'institution_id', 'source_id', 'experiment_id',
       'member_id', 'table_id', 'variable_id', 'grid_label', 'dcpp_init_year',
       'version', 'time_range', 'path'],
# load 2 members for 2 inits for one variable from one model
query = dict(experiment_id=[
    'dcppA-hindcast'], table_id='Amon', member_id=['r1i1p1f1', 'r2i1p1f1'], dcpp_init_year=[1970, 1971],
    variable_id='tas', source_id='MPI-ESM1-2-HR')
cat =**query)
cdf_kwargs = {'chunks': {'time': 12}, 'decode_times': False}
activity_id institution_id source_id experiment_id member_id table_id variable_id grid_label dcpp_init_year version time_range path
0 DCPP MPI-M MPI-ESM1-2-HR dcppA-hindcast r1i1p1f1 Amon tas gn 1971.0 v20190906 197111-198112 /work/ik1017/CMIP6/data/CMIP6/DCPP/MPI-M/MPI-E...
1 DCPP MPI-M MPI-ESM1-2-HR dcppA-hindcast r1i1p1f1 Amon tas gn 1970.0 v20190906 197011-198012 /work/ik1017/CMIP6/data/CMIP6/DCPP/MPI-M/MPI-E...
2 DCPP MPI-M MPI-ESM1-2-HR dcppA-hindcast r2i1p1f1 Amon tas gn 1971.0 v20190906 197111-198112 /work/ik1017/CMIP6/data/CMIP6/DCPP/MPI-M/MPI-E...
3 DCPP MPI-M MPI-ESM1-2-HR dcppA-hindcast r2i1p1f1 Amon tas gn 1970.0 v20190906 197011-198012 /work/ik1017/CMIP6/data/CMIP6/DCPP/MPI-M/MPI-E...
def preprocess(ds):
    # extract tiny spatial and temporal subset to make this fast
    ds = ds.isel(lon=[50, 51, 52], lat=[50, 51, 52],
                 time=np.arange(12 * 2))
    # make time dim identical
    ds = set_integer_time_axis(ds,time_dim='time')
    return ds
dset_dict = cat.to_dataset_dict(
    cdf_kwargs=cdf_kwargs, preprocess=preprocess)
Progress: |███████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████| 100.0% 

--> The keys in the returned dictionary of datasets are constructed as follows:
--> There are 1 group(s)
# get first dict value
_, ds = dset_dict.popitem()
    height          float64 ...
  * dcpp_init_year  (dcpp_init_year) float64 1.97e+03 1.971e+03
  * lat             (lat) float64 -42.55 -41.61 -40.68
  * time            (time) int64 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 ... 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24
  * lon             (lon) float64 46.88 47.81 48.75
  * member_id       (member_id) <U8 'r1i1p1f1' 'r2i1p1f1'
# rename to comply with climpred's required dimension names
ds = rename_to_climpred_dims(ds)
# what we need for climpred
    height   float64 ...
  * init     (init) float64 1.97e+03 1.971e+03
  * lat      (lat) float64 -42.55 -41.61 -40.68
  * lead     (lead) int64 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 ... 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24
  * lon      (lon) float64 46.88 47.81 48.75
  * member   (member) <U8 'r1i1p1f1' 'r2i1p1f1'
Array Chunk
Bytes 3.46 kB 432 B
Shape (2, 2, 24, 3, 3) (1, 1, 12, 3, 3)
Count 176 Tasks 8 Chunks
Type float32 numpy.ndarray
2 2 3 3 24
# loading the data into memory
# if not rechunk
# this is here quite fast before we only select 9 grid cells
%time ds = ds.load()
CPU times: user 218 ms, sys: 74 ms, total: 292 ms
Wall time: 237 ms
# go on with creation of PredictionEnsemble
# climred.HindcastEnsemble(ds).add_observations(obs).verify(metric='acc', comparison='e2o', dim='init', alignment='maximize')
# climred.PerfectModelEnsemble(ds).add_control(control).verify(metric='acc', comparison='m2e', dim=['init','member'])