
climpred.metrics._roc(forecast, verif, dim=None, **metric_kwargs)[source]

Receiver Operating Characteristic.

  • observations (xarray.object) – Labeled array(s) over which to apply the function. If bin_edges=='continuous', observations are binary.

  • forecasts (xarray.object) – Labeled array(s) over which to apply the function. If bin_edges=='continuous', forecasts are probabilities.

  • dim (str, list of str) – The dimension(s) over which to aggregate. Defaults to None, meaning aggregation over all dims other than lead.

  • logical (callable, optional) – Function with bool result to be applied to verification data and forecasts and then mean('member') to get forecasts and verification data in interval [0,1]. Passed via metric_kwargs.

  • bin_edges (array_like, str) – Bin edges for categorising observations and forecasts. Similar to np.histogram, all but the last (righthand-most) bin include the left edge and exclude the right edge. The last bin includes both edges. bin_edges will be sorted in ascending order. If bin_edges=='continuous', calculate bin_edges from forecasts, equal to sklearn.metrics.roc_curve(f_boolean, o_prob). Passed via metric_kwargs. Defaults to ‘continuous’.

  • drop_intermediate (bool) – Whether to drop some suboptimal thresholds which would not appear on a plotted ROC curve. This is useful in order to create lighter ROC curves. Defaults to False. Defaults to True in sklearn.metrics.roc_curve. Passed via metric_kwargs.

  • return_results (str) –

    Passed via metric_kwargs. Defaults to ‘area’. Specify how return is structed:

    • ’area’: return only the area under curve of ROC

    • ’all_as_tuple’: return true positive rate and false positive rate at each bin and area under the curve of ROC as tuple

    • ’all_as_metric_dim’: return true positive rate and false positive rate at each bin and area under curve of ROC concatinated into new metric dimension


reduced by dimensions dim, see return_results

parameter. true positive rate and false positive rate contain probability_bin dimension with ascending bin_edges as coordinates.

Return type

roc (xr.object)

Details for area under curve:










>>> bin_edges = np.array([-0.5, 0.0, 0.5, 1.0])
>>> HindcastEnsemble.verify(metric='roc', comparison='m2o',
...     dim=['member', 'init'], alignment='same_verifs',
...     bin_edges=bin_edges,
...     ).SST
<xarray.DataArray 'SST' (lead: 10)>
array([0.84385185, 0.82841667, 0.81358547, 0.8393463 , 0.82551752,
       0.81987778, 0.80719573, 0.80081909, 0.79046553, 0.78037564])
  * lead     (lead) int32 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
    skill    <U11 'initialized'

Get area under the curve, false positive rate and true positive rate as metric dimension by specifying return_results='all_as_metric_dim':

>>> def f(ds): return ds > 0
>>>'roc', comparison='m2o',
...     dim=['member', 'init'], alignment='same_verifs',
...     bin_edges='continuous', return_results='all_as_metric_dim'
...     ).SST.isel(lead=[0, 1])
<xarray.DataArray 'SST' (lead: 2, metric: 3, probability_bin: 3)>
array([[[0.        , 0.116     , 1.        ],
        [0.        , 0.8037037 , 1.        ],
        [0.84385185, 0.84385185, 0.84385185]],

       [[0.        , 0.064     , 1.        ],
        [0.        , 0.72222222, 1.        ],
        [0.82911111, 0.82911111, 0.82911111]]])
  * probability_bin  (probability_bin) float64 2.0 1.0 0.0
  * lead             (lead) int32 1 2
  * metric           (metric) <U19 'false positive rate' ... 'area under curve'
    skill            <U11 'initialized'