
climpred.tutorial.load_dataset(name=None, cache=True, cache_dir='~/.climpred_data', github_url='', branch='master', extension=None, proxy_dict=None, **kws)[source]

Load example data or a mask from an online repository.

  • name – (str, default None) Name of the netcdf file containing the dataset, without the .nc extension. If None, this function prints out the available datasets to import.
  • cache_dir – (str, optional) The directory in which to search for and cache the data.
  • cache – (bool, optional) If True, cache data locally for use on later calls.
  • github_url – (str, optional) Github repository where the data is stored.
  • branch – (str, optional) The git branch to download from.
  • extension – (str, optional) Subfolder within the repository where the data is stored.
  • proxy_dict – (dict, optional) Dictionary with keys as either ‘http’ or ‘https’ and values as the proxy server. This is useful if you are on a work computer behind a firewall and need to use a proxy out to download data.
  • kws – (dict, optional) Keywords passed to xarray.open_dataset

The desired xarray dataset.


>>> from climpred.tutorial import load_dataset()
>>> proxy_dict = {'http': ''}
>>> ds = load_dataset('FOSI-SST', cache=False, proxy_dict=proxy_dict)