Scope of ``climpred`` ===================== ``climpred`` aims to be the primary package used to analyze output from initialized dynamical forecast models, ranging from short-term weather forecasts to decadal climate forecasts. The code base is driven by the geoscientific prediction community through open source development. It leverages `xarray `_ to keep track of core prediction ensemble dimensions (e.g., ensemble member, initialization date, and lead time) and `dask `_ to perform out-of-memory computations on large datasets. The primary goal of ``climpred`` is to offer a comprehensive set of analysis tools for assessing the forecasts relative to a validation product (e.g., observations, reanalysis products, control simulations, baseline forecasts). This ranges from simple deterministic and probabilistic verification `metrics `_ — such as, e.g. mean absolute error or rank histogram — to more advanced contingency table-derived metrics. ``climpred`` expects users to handle their domain-specific post-processing of model output, so that the package can focus on the actual analysis of forecasts. Finally, the ``climpred`` documentation will serve as a repository of unified analysis methods through `jupyter `_ notebook `examples `_, and collects relevant references and literature.